Girl In My Mirror von April_Eagle_Wilcox (Who is she?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Creeping Changes --------------------------- “Girl in my mirror“ ist eine FF, de mir persönlich sehr am Herzen gelegen hat. Es war meine 2te Story überhaupt. Anfänglich schrieb ich nur auf Englisch, da ich nur Kontakte zu aktiven Fans auf einer amerikanischen Plattform hatte. Auch diese Story war schon einmal on und wurde im Zuge meiner Gedanken, ich könne nicht schreiben, wieder off genommen. Doch nun will ich sie Euch nicht länger vorenthalten. Mit neuem Mut und neuer Zuversicht geht die Story erneut on. Sprache: Englisch Status: nicht abgeschlossen Autor: April/ April-Lana Datum: 2001 Email: Rating: P-14 Notes: Das Copyright von „Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs“ liegt wie immer bei WEP. Copyright "Girl in my mirror" bei mir^^ *********************************************************************** It was a nice, sunny Saturday afternoon and April stood in front of her wardrobe in search for something to wear. All of her clothing was lying around, even the floor was covered. Today, she wasn’t on Ramrod, but rather she was in her room at home. "What should I wear??" she spoke loudly to herself. "I don't know which one… I've got so many, but not the right ones. I need a special one… NOW!" There was going to be a party this evening where Commander Eagle had invited many of his colleagues and other high-ranking personnel from the Cavalry Command. April wanted to look very good for tonight. She needed a dress, something very special. "Yeah, I know!" she eventually said loudly to herself. "If you don't know which one to wear, always go with the little black one. You can never go wrong with that." And so, she grabbed the small black dress. It was a very tight and sleeveless. She went into her bathroom to put it on. However, as she as she placed it on her, she already felt it how tight it was on her. In fact, it didn't go up so easily as it used to, and when she went to pull the zipper up, she froze in horror. She stared in shocked in her mirror. "Oh my god! I got to big. I can't even pull it up." She rushed out of the dress. She was so angry with herself that threw it in the corner of the room. After some minutes, she eventually calmed down again. She stood up and went back into the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, which covered the whole left side. There, she stood and eyed herself strictly and critically. Turning from one side to the other side, then turned to her back, she got more and more disappointed at herself. "Oh no. I can't go to the party like this. I look terrible." "Don't be stupid, honey! You don't look terrible at all. You look beautiful as ever!" she then heard a familiar voice coming from the bedroom. It was her father’s. Putting her bathrobe on, she went out to meet him. Sitting on her bed, Commander Eagle was waiting for his little girl to come out. "Honey, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? You are gorgeous than ever!" "But look, here." she tied her bathrobe together to make her point. "I got bigger!" Her father looked her up and down. "You are NOT. You look perfect like that!" "But daddy… My dresses don't fit me anymore, and that means I got fatter!" she replied back stubbornly. "April, that black dress over there, lying in the corner has to be at least a size of "34", and so is every other dress that you have in that dresser over there. They would have fit you if it was like two years ago, but you have grown up. I believe you’re now a size "38", a perfectly healthy normal size for a young woman at your age. So, there’s no need to worry. You have grown up, and become a very attractive beautiful woman now. You aren’t a little girl anymore. You have a wonderful female figure, even though it’s a bit thin on the side, but that doesn’t matter. Believe me darling when I say that. Would I ever lie to you?! I know for certain that many women at your age envy for your figure." he tried to convince her. "But I don't want that!" she shouted annoyed. "Now, calm down, honey", her father put his arm round her shoulder. "You look better than ever, believe me that! Tell you what… I have the rest of the day off, why don't we go shopping, hmm? We'll find you the perfect dress you’ll see. You'll look great as ever, April, my princess!" he tried to cheer her up. "Oh all right, Daddy!" she eventually agreed. Sighing, she went into her bathroom to put a pair of jeans and a blouse on and pretended that she was happy again. However, deep inside, she was still having trouble with accepting the way her body was changing. “To be honest, I don't want to go shopping at all! I’m not in the mood for it! And I don't want to go to the party either. I don't want the guys seeing me like this!” She was pretending that everything was fine again, but down in heart she was still suffering. Together, they drove into city to the best and finest shops that it had to offer. Commander Eagle wanted the best for her! He loved to spoil her rotten, especially since she wasn’t home that often anymore. They went through various shops and boutiques, and she tried many things on. Instead of having fun, April got more and more depressed when she realized that she needed a size bigger than the last just to try on the dresses she liked. At least, she could hide her disappointment from him well. Hours later, they both came out with a lot of bags, and boxes. Some friendly staff of the boutique helped them carrying the clothes and shoes to the car. "Thank you very much Commander Eagle and Miss Eagle. We hope you are pleased with all of these new clothing. Please do come back soon. We’re looking forward to seeing you the next time." Commander Eagle nodded his head with a smile. "Certainly. Thank you. Till the next time then!" He opened the door for his daughter to let her in. Once she was comfortably seated in, he then went around the car and got in. "Do you feel better again, angel? I hope you had fun, and I hope you emjoy the new clothes. You look beautiful in them. I’m looking forward to see you in one of the dresses that we have gotten for tonight. At least that way, I can show the crowd my little beautiful princess!" "Daddy, don't say that. You know I don't like that!" she said with red cheeks. "I know. I admit. First and foremost, you are my little beauty here. And secondly, I love this look in your face, including those red cheeks of yours!" he grinned at her. "DADDY!" April exclaimed in embarrassment as she turned to him with an annoyed look on her face. "Ok, ok I'll stop it, but it's true!" he answered laughing. As they drove up to the entrance of their big Villa they could see that some cars were already parked in front of the house. "Look our first guest are here. I have invited the boys and their girlfriends to come earlier. They will stay a couple days with us." he told her. “Great! I love them to be here, but must it be now? Now where I have put so much weight on? I don't want them to notice me being fat especially HIM. It's already hard enough to figure out whether he wants me or not. But now?!” she thought miserably. They were just picking up all the bags and boxes out of the car when the door opened. Saber and Fireball came down the stairs. "Can we help you two there?" Saber went up to Commander Eagle. "Hello everyone. I hope that you all didn’t have any trouble finding your way out here. And yes, you can bring all this stuff into April’s room please. Thank you." Fireball went to April with a smile on his face. "I see that your poor daddy was the victim this time!" April just gave him a bad look. "Of course, I’m just kidding!" he then answered quickly as he ran his hand through his hair nervously. She didn't say anything to him, and carried her things out of the car. Fireball sighed and then followed Saber with his armful of boxes into the house. In the big, bright living room, three other persons where already sitting there, Robin, Sincia and Colt. They instantly stood up and went up to them when they saw them coming in. "Wow April! It seems to me that you have bought the store out again." Colt gave her a curious glance. "Well, I needed something new, especially for tonight, Cowboy. I didn't want to wear every the same dress ever time. You guys have it easier than us girls here, right?" she looked around at the women in the room. "You’re definitely right, April. Come on. Let’s bring those bags and boxes up to your room. I want to see what you bought!" Robin answered with an excited smile. "Yes, that would be great!" Sincia quickly joined in. Colt took a deep breath, and shook his head in dismay. "Oh my god. Saber, I think April infected our girls!" All three women didn't bother looking at them. They simply grabbed whatever things they could and headed up the long white stairs that branched out in the middle, one right and one left. Halfway up, they turned around and spoke up in a sweet voice. "Would you please bring up the rest to the room? Thanks in advance!" So, the guys did what they were told. During their walk up, they glanced around the house. "Wow! This is one splendid hut!" Colt said out loud. "So, this is were our little April grew up. Amazing. This must have cost a fortune! Look all those pictures and the chandeliers and not to mention those carpets!" Colt's mouth suddenly stood wide opened once they reached upstairs. "Now, where did they go?" Saber wondered as he was looking around. Nothing was in sight. Every single door was closed. Sighing, they went from one door to the next in search for the right bedroom. Fireball knocked and opened the first one. A big room, with a big couch, some chairs and a large table in it was revealed. Otherwise, it was empty. The next one, the middle room had a big bed with a bedside table accompanying it. Framed photos of April and her mother were on it. "Cough, cough… Ahem… What are you all doing in my room?" Surprised, they turned around immediately. They came to face with Commander Eagle who was standing with folded arms and looking very strict. "Ahem… Sorry Commander Eagle, but we lost the girls. We were searching for them!" Saber instantly answered. "It would be a tremendous help if you could please tell us where they might b?" "Well, I think they will be in April’s room. It’s down the hallway, on the left side. The last room, the one at the end is hers." To Be Continued… Hosted by Animexx e.V. (