The Pain within von _Severus_ (Severus SnapexSirius Black) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Departure -------------------- Chapter 7 Hey there folks Well I’m back with chapter 7 Thanks for sticking around this long smile I’m really happy that you guy’s like my story. Thanks a lot. Now have fun with the next Chapter As Sirius had suspected, the next few days where hard on both of them. Sirius had found Severus cutting himself in the kitchen several times, and with every time he had to clean the wounds of the slytherin he felt angrier... and a little bit more helpless. He didn’t know how to help Severus. All he could do was comfort him and hope that it would soon be better. It was the day that they would return to Hogwarts when Severus stopped crying. He seemed to have finally coped with Twinkles death. But the eyes of the Slytherin seemed a little darker, a little bit less alive. “Sev?” Sirius asked, as it was time to get into the cab. Tony was already waiting. “We gotta go now...” The Slytherin only nodded. He had stood there at least 5 minutes and just starred at the house. His home. Sirius softly took Severus Hand and pulled him into the car. Severus didn’t resist, just sat there and looked out of the window, while Sirius softly stroked his hand. The Gryffindor did not now what to do either then calming Severus. At this point he was helpless. Anna would have to repair the rest of the damage done to the soul of the Slytherin. As they got to the Train, Sirius kept looking over his shoulder. “If you want to leave Sirius, just go. I’m sure Potter, Lupin and that other boy are somewhere near by.” Severus was back to his normal self. His voice cold, his eyes and face unreadable. “Sev, you know that’s...” Sirius started, but then he could here a voice calling his name. “Hey Padfoot! What the hell are you doing with old Snivellus?” James Potter was know standing in front of them, growling at Severus. “Is the old git making trouble again?” Severus just looked at James, snarling “Oh look, Potty is back. Tell me, when are you going to stop wearing a dead animal on your head? I don’t think Evans likes it either.” Sirius couldn’t help but grin. But then he was serious again. “No Prongs, there is nothing wrong... I just...” “He just wanted to remind me that he hated me, and that If I took one wrong step he would beat the shit out of me. Now just fucking leave me alone.” and with that Severus just left, pulling his suitcase after himself. Sirius just stared after him. Why did Severus just leave...? The Gryffindor didn’t understand. But then James was already pulling him away. When Sirius looked back, Severus was gone. The black haired boy sighted, as he sat all alone in a cabin of the Hogwartsexpress, starring out of the Window. A few students walked pass the cabin, looking for places to sit, because the train was about to leave the station. But as soon as they saw who was sitting inside of the cabin, they quickly walked pass it. Nobody wanted to sit with the mean, greasy git. Severus didn’t blame them. “Good Morning Severus.” Severus quickly turned around, looking for the person who had called him by his first name. Even if Sirius called him by his first name, it was still odd for the Slytherin. He still had to get used to the fact that someone would want to talk to him. Lucius Malfoy was standing in front of him, his long, shiny hair tied pack in a ponytail, looking almost silver where the sun hit it. The young Man was certainly the most handsome one in the hole School. Sirius was very handsome in a boyish, charming kind of way. But Lucius Malfoy was drop dead gorgeous. His presents was strong and confident, and... Severus couldn’t help finding Lucius very, very Sexy. The way he moved, the way he spoke... it all made Severus feel like melting. Lucius had to only look at him, and Severus was caught, and caught by him alone. “Good Morning Sir.” Severus muttered, trying not to blush. Why did he feel like Malfoy was looking right into his head, reading his thoughts...? “No need to call me Sir. It’s Lucius Severus. At all times.” The blond smiled at the Slytherin, vitiating all of his efforts not to blush. “May I sit with you?” Severus couldn’t believe his ear’s. Lucius Malfoy wanted to sit with him! He quickly nodded, mumbling a fast “Ya, sure. Sit down.” Severus looked away as the Slytherin sat down across him.. For a few moments, it was quiet , but then Lucius started talking, implicating Severus into simple small talk. Nothing to serious, just some light conversation. The train soon left the station, but Severus was much to interested in talking with Lucius than noticing something like that. Suddenly, total out of the blue for Severus, Lucius asked “So Severus... You have a girlfriend?” The black haired boy just starred at the older one for a few seconds, blinking in confusion. But the he grasped himself again and said “No I don’t. I’m not very popular with girls.” //But it doesn’t matter, I don’t like them anyway.// he added silently. “Do you?” Lucius just smiled and said “No, I don’t.” then he laughed. “Why do you look so surprised?” “Well...” Severus said, blushing and looking away. “Well you know, you’re... just really handsome and smart and stuff. I thought you would have one.” The blond laughed “Oh, so you think I’m handsome?” he purred, moving to the edge of the seat, looking at Severus in a very odd way. “Well ya.” Severus whispered, looking at Lucius, blushing violently. “Everybody thinks so. You’re just drop dead gorgeous.” Dear Lord, Severus felt embraced. How on earth did he even manage to say something so embarrassing? “I don’t care about what others say” Lucius whispered, moving to sit near next to Severus. “But... I do care about what you say... and... I think that you are a very exquisite Beauty.”slowly moving his hand to the back haired boy’s knee, he leaned even closer to him, putting his other hand to his cheek. “I really think you are beautiful...” and then he kissed him. Severus was shocked to the core. There he was sitting in the cabin of the Hogwartsexpress, and was being kissed by the most handsome man he had ever seen. Lucius tongue softly brushed his lips, begging for entrance. And slowly, almost hesitant, his lips parted and let Lucius warm, moist tongue slide into his mouth. At first it was a gently, playful kiss. But then the blond let his hand slide over Severus’ thigh, making him shiver with pleasure. The hand of the blond wandered over his hip, moving under his shirt, tenderly stroking the soft skin on his surprisingly good modeled chest. “Mm...” Lucius purred, after he broke away from the kiss. “You taste good my little Snake...” Severus blushed violently. The hand of the older boy was teasing the nipple of the Slytherin, making him moan lustfully. “And how sensitive you are... come... do that again for me... I love your voice...” his second hand slipped under the others shirt, softly stroking the other nipple. Severus moaned again, bit his lip, and then pushed the blond away softly. “Please I... I don’t...” Severus didn’t really know what to say. “I can’t do it right now. And not here. And... I don’t think I can ever if... you know... where not in love. I’m sorry, I know it sounds stupid. But I don’t want sex if there’s no Love.” The Slytherin blushed at his own words. Now, Lucius was surly going to leave him alone. “But Sev...” Lucius said, looking him in the eye. “I do love you.” Well, that was it. Sorry it’s so short and such crap ” I hope you like it anyway See ya Hosted by Animexx e.V. (