Cooking in Anger and Baking in Rage von Daniela (Mikan Natsume) ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Explosion -------------------- Explosion ''I really have more time now...'' Mikan was musing to herself, thinking of the changes that came along with 'staying out of Natsume's way'. It was not something special, but she noticed that she had more free time. Trying to persuade Natsume to spend time with his friend or to go with her to the Central Town, took a lot of time – and now that she stopped bugging him, she had the whole day for herself. She also realized that she was faster with finding answers for her homework by herself, because whenever she asked Natsume, she had to wait for his majesty to talk to her, but in the end she still had to do it by herself, Natsume only keeping an eye on her work. She felt free and happy right now, not knowing that a certain person was not only cooking with anger but baked people in rage. It was already a week and Mikan kept her play. She was certain that Natsume will eventually come to her and ask her to stop this silly play. However, this would only happen if he considered her as a friend. She knew she was his friend. But there was a slight possibility that Natsume will ignore that fact. ''Well if he does that, then he doesn't deserve someone like me to be his friend.'' She knew that she did a lot of things for him and it was only logical that he started to appreciate her. But there was this feeling again. The feeling of fear that she might not know him so well, and that he might react totally differently. She did not want to lose him. She just wanted him to take her seriously. As a friend! ''Did I go too far? Isn't this silly?'' she asked herself, walking through the halls of the school and enjoying the view she had through the windows next to her. It was really a nice day. Warm, bright and sunny. The Sakura trees were covered in pink and the grass below had a dark green colour. Little animals were flying through the air, creating tinny sounds and completing the natures work. It was beautiful. Natsume was marching like a wild animal in her direction. She did not notice him. Yet. But others did. And they knew that the look on his face meant something. Something bad. ''Ok, what game do you think you're playing?'' he asked, not loud, but full of rage, when he stopped next to her and looked down at her. She really was tiny. Mikan turned in surprise, blinked innocently and smiled: ''Oh, hello Natsume. What are you talking about?'' He looked her in the eye: ''You know what I mean.'' Mikan shrugged her shoulder: ''No, I don't. Enlighten me. Natsume.'' Natsume growled and messed his hair. He really wanted to scream at her. Mikan watched amused as he struggled to do something. She knew she had him there. Now, let's just see what he is going to do. Other students already gathered around them, whispered and pointed at them. Oh, this will be fun. Natsume finally noticed the attention people gave them and he sighed annoyed. He grasped Mikan's arm and pulled her behind him. ''Oy oooy! Natsume! What are you doing?! I can walk myself!!'' Mikan screamed and had to run behind him, because he walked that fast. This was not funny anymore. ''Walk, ugly.'' He commanded and Mikan's mind went blank. Natsume brought them out of the school's building and was heading towards the park as Mikan exploded. ''Fucking shit Natsume!'' she screamed and pulled her arm away. Natsume, surprised at her outburst, turned around and looked at her dumfounded. Many students followed them out and those, who have already been outside, watched with interest what was going to happen. ''Oh, yes…'' mumbled Hotaru wickedly, standing next to Ruka a few meters away from the arguing pair, and prepared her camera: ''I love quarrels…'' Ruka just blinked at her, but then turned to watch the scene. ''Who the hell do you think you are?! You can't just ignore me the whole time; then come to me angrily, because I ignore; and finally call me ugly!!'' she screamed and waved with her arms around like she was crazy. ''So you did ignore me!'' Natsume countered, totally ignoring her words, finally making her answer his former question. ''Of course I did, you stupid jerk!'' she pushed him away furiously. ''You fucking play with me the whole time and when I finally give you space, you still shit on my head!'' For a moment, Natsume was impressed at her… colourful vocabulary, but he quickly composed herself and glared at the petit and raging girl in front of him. ''I don't fucking play with you! I do certain things because I know that you won't take them seriously like other people! I know I can rely on you, dammit! But it fucking seems you're just like the others!'' he told her, not caring anymore who hears. ''Well, I'm sorry for reacting like this because it's not like you make a fool out of me every day; no, of course not! You do it each and every fucking second! You can't do this without at least sometimes playing nice, Natsume! You can't!'' Mikan was already red from anger. ''Of course I can! You know when I'm serious and when I'm not! You fucking know! So don't play my game because it's just not you!'' Natsume grabbed her hand again. ''You can't be serious… Are you trying to tell me that you can mess with my head however you want and I just have to let you?! Are you fucking serious?!'' Mikan tried to pull away, but he was stronger. ''No! I'm trying to tell you this ignoring stuff is not like you because you are too kind of a person to do such stupid things! You're smart for god's sake and you a hell better person than I am so stop fucking around and be yourself!'' ''I am myself! And stop insulting yourself because I'm going to kick you if you do it just one more time – I already told you that!'' ''See? That's you! You praise people! You don't ignore them!'' ''Why the hell are you making such a big problem out of this?! It's just been a week!'' ''Because it's fucking wrong to see you jumping around other people and leave me behind!'' ''You're so egoistical! You can't tell me what I should or shouldn't do!'' ''Of course I can't! You are smart enough to know what you are doing! You can play this ignoring game however you want!'' ''Again, why the hell are you making such a problem out of this?!'' ''I just don't like it! You can do what you want – it's not my business!'' ''Then why do you fucking care so much!?'' ''I don't fucking care!!'' Natsume screams very loudly and everyone gasps. Then comes silence. In Mikan something cracks. She looks at him with horror and like- like she was betrayed. Oh oh. She furiously struggles out of his grip and turns around. She will not give him the pleasure to see her like this. No, her hurt face is something just for her mirror. Natsume immediately knows he screwed up. He slaps his forehead and growls. ''I didn’t mean it like that…'' ''Of course you did! You always do, dammit!'' ''Mikan…'' he tried to reach for her hand, but she shoved him away and started walking. Natsume made few fast steps, grabbed her hip and whirled her around. She was on the edge of crying and he almost cried out too. But then her face turned angry again and she tried to struggle out of his grip, which of course he did not let her. ''Let me go.'' She demanded. ''No.'' He said firmly. ''I said let me go!'' ''I won't.'' ''Dammit Natsume! Let me go.'' ''No, I won't let you go! You’re my partner!'' ''You never cared about that'' ''Mikan…'' ''Just fucking leave me alone!'' And then he had enough. He pulled her arm so hard that she shrieked and kissed her like a hungry wolf. The crowd gasped again. Hotaru smirked. Mikan froze. Natsume enjoyed. Oh yeah, he did. And how he did! He pressed her tiny body to him and massaged her lips to persuade her to finally give in. Mikan did not even try to push him away anymore – she just leaned in and slowly put her arms around his neck. Natsume gently parted her lips with his and tangled his tongue with hers. Mikan whimpers as Natsume moans silently and hugs her tighter. They finally pulled away in shock, when they hear the loud grow cheering and whistling. Everyone applauded and screamed that this was the best show they have ever seen. The lovers both looked around embarrassed, but then turned to each other. Mikan had her eyes wide open and she was nervously biting her lip. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were shining with an emotion Nastume has never seen. Apparently, he looked the same way. ''I don't just care…'' he started and tugged a curl behind her ear, ''I love you.'' Mikan finally smiled at him brightly and jumped into his arms. Natsume lifted her up and laughed with her and the loud crowd around them. Mikan gently looked into his eyes and finally brought out the words she always wanted to say: ''What took you so long you asshole!'' And then she kissed him even stronger. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (