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Sammelsorium [ENGLISCH]

Kurzgeschichten zu mehreren prompts

Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Eines meiner ersten Prompts. Ich habe die Gelegenheit benutzt um etwas mehr die Vergangenheit meines Charakters Azrael auszuloten, der in meiner Welt einer der sieben Herrscher der Hölle ist, die man auch als Dämonenlords kennt. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
prompt: Your character is forced to save his or her best friend/loved one, but has to face his or her biggest fear beforehand. How does he or she solve the issue? Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
prompt: Your character found an egg and decides to hatch it. However, what crawls out of the shell is not what was expected... Komplett anzeigen


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Confessions of a Demon Lord

Being a demon, people in general think of me as cruel, soulless and bent on utter destruction. I might be the first and somewhat of the last, but definitely not the second thing. Who am I you ask… Let’s not dwell on this matter shall we? I am way too high in the hierarchy to ever mention my name, although some who know me well and find these lines, might guess who I am. For the remainder of this… let’s call it a letter, I shall be known as Zaarel.

To be fair, this will be more like a dairy, someone I can truly confide in. Demons in my position have no one to talk to, as we are just few and there are always those that lust after our power. Weakness is a sin we cannot allow ourselves to indulge in.

Why then, am I writing this? Most likely you, the person reading this will be a human or perhaps one of those blasted tree-loving elves that can be downright annoying. As far as I have understood it, it is custom in your cultures to collect pictures and other things for personal importance in a small book, to keep them as a token for remembrance. I do not have exactly such a book, but a box, filled with many a small item that once held some meaning for me. Some still do, others are there only for nostalgias sake.

By now you are probably curious or bored. Not that I care much about that, however I don’t want to bore myself with writing this, so I will talk a bit about the tokens in my little treasure box I guess. The first would be a fragment of metal, which once had been a very fine blade, well fine enough for a child at least. I had been gifted said blade as a present when I turned ten I guess. I cannot exactly remember when it was anymore, only that it marked the beginning of my second child hood. Before that, I was only allowed to read about hunts and battles and maybe practice with wooden daggers. Now I myself could partake in hunts and small skirmishes, nothing to serious, since even demons treasure their children, but still, I was glad that day that I didn’t belong to the defenseless anymore. Oh the glory as I finally for the first time was able to experience what before had only been stories. However for all the blood-lust and joy of victory I realized another thing: War is not pretty. True, I’m a demon, I enjoy a slaughter here and there, but still I have my morals. I hate to kill just for the fun of it, for then I’d be scarcely more than a savage. Now don’t get any hopes up, there are demons like that but usually they rarely rank higher than a commander of a small devision. As I said, this blade introduced me to bloodshed – and also to fate. Why? Well that might be another story but I will say as much: It was this small sword I wielded against the one man that changed my life.

This leads me to the second item I want to tell about; again not very impressive. It’s a small ring, fit for the small finger of my left hand. Save for an array of three demonic runes the golden surface is pure and smooth. As I had fought with my little sword – and lost I was taken captive. For one or two years I had no idea where I was only that I was being treated as fitting for someone of noble birth. I even could continue my education. I had an inkling that this was no coincidence and after some time I was taken to a audience hall. I had seen such a room before when my father had first taken me to the Demon Lord he served so that I might be registered in the scrolls. Demons are fond of keeping track of nobility and possessions as these are the two only things every being written down in such detail. However this was not the hall I knew, something was different, I could not tell the person that the crest on the banners belong to nor tell why I was here when the person I had fought was supposedly a minor lordling and not one of the rulers of hell. As soon as I looked upon the man sitting on the throne I paled. Now, being around sixteen years I had attended some feasts or audiences in the hall of the Demon Lord I was subject to, but this face that now looked at me with cold red eyes was one I only had seen in pictures.

This was Bael, the one Demon Lord who reigned above all others. ‘Your tutors tell me, you are a fast learning child.’ Even his voice could be cold and I stood paralyzed before him, taking shallowed breaths under his unyielding gaze until I understood he expected me to answer. With trouble I got some words out. ‘I.. I try my best Milord.’ ‘Good.’ His tone was still chilly but he seemed to be content with my answer as well as me not pissing my pants or anything in that sort of fashion while standing before him. Don’t you laugh, things like this really happened as I came to witness later. For now I was only told that my old life was over.

‘Your father has been quite helpful to our cause. Therefore you will now be fostered here and enter your career at court like every demon of noble birth should.’

This sentence was all I ever got to inform me I was not my father’s son anymore. I never saw my family again, instead I learned and did what Bael wanted me to do. The ring was proof that I was under his protection – but it also meant I was no more than his tool. This event and my realization that I now had no family to rely on, was one of the biggest changes in my life as it led eventually to me being what I am now. Without Bael taking me hostage and shaping my young person according to his wishes and later leaving me to the whims of Belial, another Demon Lord, I never would have had the power I have now, for I never would have been in the circle of those being considered for the job.

Now I am chained to my office, for a demon that has power never resigns. There is only one way out: death. And I still love my life too much.

Demon to the Rescue

Where was he? Striding through their shared room, the grey skinned demon made his worries more than clear. His spaded tail was making angry movements, while the golden eyes did not seem to notice anything in front of them. True, he had been quite annoying with his requests to Faeran to get him some special berries. However even the gryphon – for the drow had two souls inside his body, one of a dark elf and one of a gryphon – would be back now and growl into his ears and nick at them. So where was he?!

“Daios! If I have to come up to fetch you for dinner, you will be in a hell of a trouble! And don’t forget to bring Lukae with you!”

Startled the demon tried to compose himself. Nira. His cook seemed to have yelled at least three times for dinner already if she resorted to threats like this. He let out a silent sigh. While Daios ran the brothel and organized everything, Nira was the unspoken queen of the kitchen and everything meal related. One simply could not be late for eating without facing her wrath. Not willing to get another beating with a pan or another kitchen tool or having to do the dishes, Daios went and did as he was told, for the moment shoving his ill feelings aside. Lukae was already waiting for him and the blonde demon smiled as he closed his arms around the blind priest.

“Well little brother, shall we go to dinner then?” Lukae nodded and took one of Daios’ hands in his own. He was not really siblings with the older male but rather they were brothers in spirit, both having had similar experiences and carrying their own traumas around with them. Daios was extremely protective of his healer and thus allowed only Styx, an employee of him, to care for the blind priest and only if it were things Daios himself could not supply or had no time.

“Finally! Did you have to tidy up your toy chest first?” Nira glared at him and Daios thought her unusual orange eyes seemed even more like little flames than they usually did. He made no comment, for there was no need to let the others know what troubled him. Surely Faeran would be back on the morrow. Only Lukae seemed to sense something was off, but he only hold on to Daios’ hand a bit stronger for a while to let him know that he was not alone. The grey-skinned demon helped the priest find his seat before he sat down himself and on Niras signal began eating. Daios did not engage very much in small talk during the meal, but Nira seemed to think of this as normal, running a brothel was not easy and tonight her employer would be without his beloved drow for a bodyguard.

At least the night was an usual night. The patrons honoured the code Daios enforced in his etablissement and only a few drunkards had to be thrown out. Tired but satisfied with the coin he had gained the demon want into his bedroom, where he did not even take time enough to undress properly but dropped on the covers and sank into deep sleep.

However when he woke two hours after sunrise there was still no sign of Faeran and the blonde began to feel troubled once more. He never was that late, never! Not even a warm shower could drive his thoughts away from his missing crush and at breakfast he was sulkier than he had been the evening before. Nonetheless fate had decided to be even crueler. Daios got a letter, or rather a parchment scroll, neatly rolled around a lock of well-known white hair. On the scroll itself it only said: Mountain Cave, Come alone. The demon waved his tail sharply. He did not like this letter, did not like it at all. To make things worse he even had an idea who was behind this order. Nonetheless, the blonde decided to do what he was told, after all he had to save his drow somehow.

After he had evaded Nira and (this was the hardest) Lukae, Daios set out towards the mountains. He was not really armed, he wore his black leather trousers as always, although he had discarded his see through net shirt in favour of a plain white one. In regard to weapons Daios trusted his shadow magic and a slim riding crop, dangeling from his belt as well as a slim and hidden dagger. The demon was content enough with his life in the city and thus he had some difficulties adapting to the mission of hunting down whoever had taken Faeran.

Still, once he had entered the mountain area outside the city it became easier. The lush green that could be found in the parks had vanished long ago, pale yellow grass and dry shrubbery had taken its place. The blonde kept himself close to the mountainside, as the hot winds from the desert blew mercilessly. After hours Daios managed to reach the cave entrance. Entering with careful steps he looked around to see if there was any sign of the kidnapper. However there were only marks, like big claws had been sharpened. The demon suppressed a shudder and ventured deeper. “Faeran? Gryphon?” Where was he? Again his tail couldn’t keep still as his sense of misgiving grew and grew. When his ears caught a faint squeak, Daios nearly bolted. He knew this sort of noise… Steeling himself he went on, using a little ball of shadow as spy. He wasn’t able to see with it, but he would feel any movement – or so the demon thought. When he entered a hall, he had to rethink his strategy, for the moment he went fully into the vast space, something flashed, blinding him for a couple of heartbeats.

Coming to his senses again, Daios found the way back barred by a thick magical field, which his shadows could not penetrate. He might have had innate magic, but still was no wizard and a wizard only would be able to force their way through such an obstacle. He had no choice but go further, even though now the squeaking was audible again. He had lost all sense of time when he had entered the cave and now he was close to lose his orientation as well. Daios made little markers onto the walls, sacrificing some of his strength, as he used his shadow magic to bind them so they would not be worn out easily. After he had walked for an eternity, he finally caught a glimpse of white and ran towards it. “Faen!” The demon was right in one aspect: It was a drow. It was not Faeran, or Faen how the blonde called him fondly, but a female. A female with a very, very cruel grin. “Well well well. So it IS true. You’d really do everything for that traitor, wouldn’t you, darling?” Albeit the words where spoken in a voice minced with sweetness, they seeped like venom into Daios. He had always known that most likely this kidnapping had been only the bait to lure him, but he had not expected this. He knew the drow, faintly. She was the matron of Faerans former house. The drows love for her had been the reason why Faeran was on the surface as drow were not allowed to be in love. Daios and the drow and been forced to deal with her and a priest called Maslyn before, which had led to some very nasty experiences in the Underdark. With the help of friends like Kushiel and the star Marik Daios had managed to rescue Faeran from the clutches of the priest, reckoning that the matron had called of the hunt since then.

“What do you want?!” Daios was not in the mood for any games, although it seemed like the drow was. “Weeell…”, she answered, “let’s play a game, shall we? I want Faerans head and you… want to save him. Beat my champion and you may have your lover back!” “What sort of champion and why should I trust you?” That did not sound like an offer a drow would make and especially not this drow. “You’ll see and…. you will trust me, because else your dear Faeran would die, and you don’t want that, do you?” On cue there was a scream from somewhere, filled with anguish. “See? You don’t have much time to decide darling. It’s up to you. He lives – or he dies.”

Paying the clenching of his guts no heed, Daios nodded. “Alright. I will fight your champion.” “Good boy!” Smiling the matron extended a hand, pointing the way and Daios went into the direction given. Bile rose in his throat as he felt a hand on his back.The demon abhorred being lea in such a fashion, but he had no choice, lest the drow would change her mind. She led him into another opening. Daios saw a tunnel, high enough for him to crawl through. “Go!” The drow nudged him towards it. Warding himself with shadows Daios went to his knees. Slowly he began crawling. He was id-way through the tunnel as the squeaking returned and this time the demon could see the animal which made the noise. A rat. A very aggressive rat. Daios froze and reacted only when the rodent went for his fingers. Cursing he smacked it against the wall crushing its skull in the progress. However this seemed to be some sort of signal for more and more rats now streamed towards him. Daios panicked. Screaming he trashed around with is dagger and the shadows missing more often than not and his progress was quite slow. Barely he managed to pass through the tunnel and he stayed on his knees after he had managed and the rats were gone again.

Panting and nearly scared out of his wits Daios rose when he heard heavy movements and scratching. He wished he had not. For now he faced what had to be the mother of all rats. White-furred and being more than half as high as Daios she made an impressive sight. She would have eaten the blonde, had not there been a small and very tired voice. “Daios…” The demon startled out of his paralysis. Faeran! Not only Faeran… it almost sounded like… Gryphon. “My.. prey… you’re mine… not that of some rat!” It was Gryphon! However that rat was not idle either and lunged at the demon. Tears in his eyes, tears of pain and tears of love for his drow, Daios did his best to fight back. At the same time he wounded the rat, the rats sharp claws and teeth found their mark too. Wielding dagger and shadows Daios fought in earnest, he was out of shape, but having heard this declaration of Gryphon he wanted to show him that he wanted him, that his phobia of rats would not hinder him from saving his love. Finally he managed to blind the rodent and used a dart made of shadows to rip open its belly. With a last screech the rat fell down and died. With its death the small rats flew from the chamber and the demon was able to find his beloved, bound on a stone pillar, bleeding from many small bites and scratches. The golden eyes lay lovingly on the demon as he worked loose the bindings and caught Faeran in wounded arms. Tired they both sank against a wall and rested for some time. “I knew you would come, prey…” Faeran – or rather Gryphon – nicked lightly at Daios ear. From the other side there were shrill shrieks for a while and he stopped talking and listened. Then a smile spread on his lips. “One less thing to worry about. Let’s get some rest and then head home, shall we?” Tired and bleeding but happy Daios nodded. “Yes.”

What you want is not what you get

The sea murmured softly as it always did in this part west of the main hub of the city. People were more scarce here as it was an area dominated by small manors and hunting lodge which all came with - to the average citizen at least – ungodly amount of property. Sitting on a small cliff and watching the sun set, Arin however was grateful for the vastness of the land. People bothered him, would always bother him after the incident. He felt bad for his failures, bad for his being unable to visit his sister Nira, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to enter the city and for a mercy Kirek didn’t force him to. His partner sometimes forced him to do things, but those were vital, like when he had forgotten time again and missed out on more than one meal. Or when he refused to go even as far as their garden and rather wanted to stay in bed and wallow in self-pity. Those were the bad days. Sometimes they came in heaps. Sometimes they didn’t.

However today was a good day. He had taken a walk on the beach and marveled how white the sand was. Sadly he hadn’t found any sea shells, but he would try again tomorrow. Kirek always was happy when he found a new one and as the angel was the one who brought home the money, Arin knew far more about shells and other small things. When the sun had set, the young man slowly rose and tightened the sash around his trousers again before he began following the way back. He passed through the grassy dunes as a shimmer caught his eye. Excited for he thought it to be a sea shell or a very polished stone, Arin turned towards the item. No shell and no stone greeted his eye. Instead he found an abandoned egg with a very glossy shine to its shell. Arin made sure that this egg truly was abandoned and not put in this place to hatch later on. Despite the warmth of the sand it nested in, the egg felt cold and thus the young man took off his shirt and wrapped it around the small orb, carefully lifting it up and taking the egg home with him.

Before even eating dinner with his partner, Arin saw to it, that the egg was safely confined in a new nest consisting of blankets and scarves and generally anything he could find that could hold the warmth. Kirek smiled fondly and let him work lest he disturbed Arins process of thought. The sylph needed his own order and couldn’t stand when someone or something tinkered with his schedule. “So, will you tell me what you’ve found?” , he asked when the other had finished the nest and was sitting down at the table. Eagerly Arin nodded. “I don’t know yet. It’s an egg and very very shiny. Found it in the dunes, seems like it wasn’t well hidden or its mother did a bad job of caring for it.” His eyes took on a sad note. Feeling that this was troubling his lover Kirek reached out to lay one of his hands over those of Arin. “The egg has you now, doesn’t it? So don’t worry. I’m sure it will be well.” Tentatively a smile spread on the other mans lips. “Yeah… It has me now.”

And so the days went by. Everyday Kirek went to his work in the city and Arin busied himself with the garden, house and most of all the egg. He spoke to it and warmed it to his best ability but it took weeks until the scale became even glossier and there was movement. Finally a few days later the scale cracked under the watchful eye of the sylph who had spent all his time with his little charge as the hatching day drew near. In his mind he already had plenty of ideas how he was going to raise the little turtle, he was very sure it was a turtle.

However no turtle snout was breaking through the egg shell, but a small beak. A small rosy beak sharp like that of a bird of prey. Puzzled Arin watched the hatchling progress through breaking its prison. Finally the creature was free and began cleaning its feathers and… fur? Arin was shocked. He beheld a being like he had never seen, a mixture of eagle and lion. Smoky colored spare for the amber eyes and the small beak, it was nothing he could name. The feathers were some pitches lighter than the fur, which was almost black. The newborn hybrid had finished grooming and was now looking around, mewling hungry and toddling towards the Sylph. He was mother! And mother had to give food! Arin had a different thought on the matter. What on earth did such creatures eat? Well… it looked like a carnivore of some sorts, so he retreated into the kitchen, where some fish and meat was stored. The young gryphon, for that was what it was, waddled behind, mewling and not willing to let go of its mother. Meanwhile the sylph had found a good sized fish and began chopping it up, throwing the small pieces into the open beak of his little ward.

When Kirek came home he found his lover sound asleep on the bed, with a tiny ball of furs and feathers nestled in the curve of his arms. Smiling he shook his head. “Oh well… this will surely bring way more life in our days…” He only hoped Arin would learn to deal with their newest family member soon, as Faeran would surely drop by as soon as word reached him that there was a gryphon born to them.


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