What could have happened von Rescue (Was wäre wenn ... ?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Revelations ---------------------- What could have happened 5 !!! Hello out there! I'm sure you have noticed it by now, I'm going to change the original Evangelion story line in some major points. The relationship between Shinji and his father was through the whole story for me quite hard to swallow. I don't say that such a situation is not possible, but personal I can't stand the thought. So I decided for me to alter the personas of Shinji and Gendo Ikari. Although I'm changing the character of Asuka in quite some ways, for example, she will be more open with her feelings for Shinji, but she still has her temper 'cause that's something I really liked on her. Chapter 4 introduced us to a new sight of Ikari Gendo. In General you should expect some major differences between the original story line by Gainax and this piece of work here. Before you now dam me to all kind of hell's (regarding your religious believes) for changing the original story-line, please think about the reason why we're writing FanFiction's. For me it's a way of enjoying writing something and sharing my mind with other people. Some people meant I should give more credit to Rei and the other characters of NGE, so I'm trying to make up for their lack of appearance in this chapter. Now happy reading and as always I'm begging you to review the story and give me your opinions. Chapter 5 Revelations Location: NERV Central Command A shivering silence had settled at the observation deck above central command, you could have heard a needle drop on the floor, until ... "What the hell is going on?!" The voice of Asuka boomed through the room. One of the section two agents took a step forward, obviously trying to calm the second child down. First mistake. "Please Miss Soryu, calm down. There's no reason to act this way." Second mistake. If you would have used a thermal sensor on the second child you would have seen a tremendous increase of her body temperature during the agents talk. Together with her body temperature her facial expression was changing. Her face now nearly matched her hair in colour. "CALM DOWN?! NO REASON?! Du Gottverdammter Vollidiot! Dir trete ich deinen Arsch von hier bis Texas wenn du mich nicht sofort vorbei lässt?!" Translation: You goddamned idiot! I will kick your ass all the way to Texas if you won't let me pass immediately! Sorry, but I couldn't help it. I just had to include some of my good old German cursing somewhere in the story. After all, Asuka is half German as far as I know. Before one of the agents could possible react, Asuka dashed forward and body slammed the nearest of the two bikers which unfortunately was Shinji. AN: As we all well know is a hand to hand fight with our Miss Langley quite lethal. Even more though when she is angry and ultimately horrible when she's pissed of. A dogfight between many fighter planes is sometimes called a fur-ball. In such a situation it's extremely difficult to identify a single enemy. It would be a very good description of the situation after Asuka started her "anything goes" group fight. Five minutes after loud screamed German curses, (If you're interested I can make you a list of German curses. I just didn't used them here, because some of them appropriated for such a fight scene are not youth free) fruitless attempts to separate Asuka from her prey (Shinji ;-)), several black eyes and dislocated shoulders on the side of the security agents and a dazed Gendo and Misato, who were although slightly crumbled, the calm voice of Ayanami Rei resonated through the room. "Why are you trying to kill pilot Ikari, pilot Soryu? I thought you two were romantically engaged." "What are you talking about Rei?" Looking slightly confused at the second children Rei turned toward commander Ikari before she answered. "I assume, that pilot Soryu wasn't informed about the project commander." "Rei," Misato started. "...the commander isn't here." "Major, I suggest you remove the helmet of the person you're currently sitting on top." Looking confused at the first child Misato removed the helmet as suggested and revelled the unconscious face of the supreme commander of NERV. Finally realising that she was in a bar brawl with her commanding officer, Misato did the only thing her brain was able to suggest at the moment ... she fainted. "If that's the commander, than that means this ..." "As I said before pilot Soryu, you're currently attempting murder on the third child, pilot Ikari." Rei said in her usual cool and precise voice. With shaking hands Asuka opened the safety strap at Shinji's helmet and slowly removed the black helmet. When she finally saw that it was her Shinji, Asuka followed Misatos example suit and fainted right on the spot. Seeing that all her commanding officers were unable to take control of the situation, Rei ordered the few still upright standing security agents to organise their transportation to the NERV infirmary while she went to inform second commander Fuyuzuki about the gap in the command structure. Location: NERV Hospital, Room No. 679 The morning after the "Fall-Out" Stepping out of Shinji's room Mijiros face showed an mixture of contradicting emotions, sadness, humour, pain and disbelief. 'I can't believe Asuka would do that to Shinji. Granted, she didn't know at first that it was him, but still ... she got carried a little to far away for my taste.' Immersed in her thoughts Mijiro didn't notice the person moving down the aisle until they nearly collided. "Nurse Usanagi it would be well advised if you would pay more attention on your way." "I'm sorry Miss Ayanami. I was just thinking about Shinji and ..." "How is he?" Startled Mijiro explained his condition while thinking 'Huh? Normally Rei would never interrupt someone who is talking. There's something wrong in the state of Denmark.' "Well, physically he's fine when you overlook some black and blues and a slightly sprained left wrist, he just refuses to wake up. Miss Ayanami, may I ask you a question?" Instead of a vocal answer Rei just looked at Mijiro expecting her to continue. "You're normally not that interested in the condition of your co-workers. Is there something wrong?" Thinking about the question for a moment Rei replied "I'm just a bit confused Nurse Usanagi. Why would Pilot Soryu harm her chosen mate? Aren't they romantically involved or something?" "Well Rei ... you don't mind if I call you Rei?" After a slight nod Mijiro continued. "She had no knowledge that it was Shinji, and from what I've heard he and the commander provoked that situation by carrying their joke with Misato and Asuka way to far." "I see ... Nurse Usanagi, may I ask you although a question?" "You may Rei and please call me Mijiro. Nurse Usanagi makes me feel a bit to old for my taste." "As you wish Mijiro. How can I gain knowledge of the principles of human relationships?" Not expecting such kind of question Mijiro didn't know how to answer that question. Her confusion must have shown on her face because Rei continued talking. "I'm asking, because I'm confused about my feelings regarding Pilot Ikari. I feel myself compelled to protect him, to keep him save. Is that what you call love Mijiro?" After a few moments of processing that information onslaught Mijiro looked into Rei's calm red eyes and replied "Rei, love is not easy to explain. Although there are different types of love. Did you knew that?" "I wasn't aware of different types of love, please continue." "Well, basically there are three types of love. Love between relatives, love between friends and love between lovers. Rei, do you want to be physically involved with Shinji?" Thinking about that information for a few moments Rei answered "I don't wish to have sex with Pilot Ikari Mijiro." "Well that cross the love between lovers out, maybe even the love between friends. Maybe the fact that you were raised without a brother or a sister makes you longing for the feeling of acceptance or friendship from people of your age." "So you mean that my feelings for Pilot Ikari are similar to those between siblings. Did I under stand that correct?" "Yes Rei, I think you feel for him like a brother, because you two were raised similar. Both of you lived a lonely live and are now reaching out for emotional warmth from others. Shinji found that warmth with Asuka, even when they are sometimes arguing, but that's normal for two persons who chose to live together." "Why is that so Mijiro? Shouldn't they be happy together?" "They should, but each human is a unique living being." At the surprised look from Rei Mijiro decided to explain it some more. "For example Rei. You're a vegetarian and I know that Shinji isn't. That can sometimes be the reason for an argument about what to cook. Or you like to read a book in the evening and your partner want to go to the cinema or a dance. You see, every person has preferences that makes her his own person." "It seems to me as if I would accept a challenge when I chose a mate." "Live is always a challenge Rei and in this case the reward you can receive is one of the best." "Yes Rei, a reward. When you live with a partner and you are able to smooth out your differences your live becomes full of happiness. You will have an support which can't be bought with all the money in the world." "Are you speaking from personal experience?" "Not by myself Rei, but my parents had such a relationship. They were married for four years before I was born and until SI they were happy together. I really can't remember a time were they had expressed an sad feeling around me. When they died in the SI I read their diary's to learn from their past for my own future. Their life wasn't always pure happiness but in their partner they had a shoulder to lean on and that was for them the main reason why they were able to last for 20 years in marriage." "I think I understand now Mijiro. Thank you for providing that information." "Anytime Rei, if you need someone to talk let me know ... I'm a good listener." "That you are Mijiro. Sayonara." With that said Rei left the hospital, the mental turmoil in her head now a bit calmer and when you looked a bit closer you could notice a light spring in her steps. Mijiro followed her with her eyes until she was out of her vicinity. 'That girl never cease to amaze me.' Turning her head to speak over her left shoulder Mijiro said. "You can come out now Asuka, there's no need for you to hide yourself back there." A slim shadow detached himself from a dark corner and approached Mijiro. It was indeed Asuka, who had a surprised expression on her face and slightly read ears, obviously from being caught "How did you know it was me Mijiro? I was as quite as possible." "That you were Asuka, but I could hear your breathing and your rhythm is as unique as Shinji's or Rei's." "Wow, that's quite cool." "How much of my conversation with Rei were you able to hear Asuka? You were quite some time back there if I'm not mistaken." "I got most of it I think. The first I heard was your question if she wanted to have sex with my Shinji-BAKA." "And? Are you satisfied with her answer?" "When I heard the question I was at first furious, but than I heard her answer and I calmed down. I wish to thank you Mijiro." "Thank me? Thank me for what Asuka?" "For opening my eyes in some ways. I never noticed what I had right in front of me with Shinji until it was almost to late ... several times. The last incident now opened my eyes, I want to change myself because the thought of loosing Shinji because of my bad habits kills me from the inside of my heart." "If that's a fact Pilot Soryu I think I won't have to have THE talk with you in my office." The cold voice of Ikari Gendo came from one of the speakers in the hallway, making both woman nearly jump out of their skins. "Regardless, I want both of you at my office ASAP." With a soft click the speaker deactivated, leaving Asuka and Mijiro in silence. "Have you made a last will Mijiro?" "It's normal NERV procedure to leave a will when you start working here." "Well I think that rule now come in handy. Let's meet our henchman." Location: Office of Commander Ikari Time: Five minutes earlier "That's a surprising development Gendo. Rei wasn't supposed to be able to have such emotions." "That maybe the case old friend, but as you know no plan, as good it may be, survives the first contact in a battle. We have to adept to those new circumstances." "SEELE wont be pleased with that development Gendo. You've already altered their scenario in some major points." "And I will continue with my way old friend. Shinji opened my eyes about the wrongs of my way and I intent to live up to his expectations." "Just be careful Gendo. We are walking through a minefield here and our chances are slim to walk away unharmed." With that said Fuyutsuki stepped back into the shadows of the office and vanished as quit as usual." Looking back at the surveillance monitor Gendo noticed that Rei was gone and that now Asuka was talking with nurse Usanagi. 'I wonder how's her reaction to the talk ... that girl is one of a kind. Shinji has a good taste for woman even when she isn't that easy to understand. I think I need to talk with her soon. Mmh, maybe now is as good as later.' Switching on the internal speaker system in the hallway Gendo ordered both, Asuka and Mijiro, in his office ASAP. 'Let's see how we can make the most out of this situation.' If anyone would have walked by Gendo's office door he/she would have fainted dead away, because, barely audible, a faint snicker could be heard from the other side. Meanwhile at the Tokyo-3 Junior High School Toji, Kensuke and Hikari were sitting at their usual spot in the school yard, as usual now they were talking about Asuka and Shinji. "Have you heard anything new from Asuka about when Shinji will come back to school Hikari?" Kensuke asked the class rep. "I've seen her last yesterday around 4PM and it was as usual. Shinji is still not allowed to talk about his project and when he is finally du back in school. Otherwise Kensuke, have you found out more about that, how did Myoko phrased it, * tight ass suit * from Shinji?" "Of course has our technical freak found something Hikari, as long as it is on a computer he is like a hound-dog. He will follow his prey until he has found it. Dead or alive!" Toji joked. "Leave me alone Toji, before I reveal your last search request." At that Toji's face went bright red and he now looked like a fresh cooked lobster. "Bye the way." Kensuke said. "Her's the information you requested. I expect my usual payment tomorrow first thing in the morning." With that said he gave Toji a CD-ROM which he immediately stashed away. A little to quick for Hikaris taste. "What's on that CD Toji?" "N ... No ... Nothing im ... important class rep." AN: Have you ever watched a report about Tigers? If so, imaging a Tigress on the prowl, moving slowly through the dense foliage of a jungle. Every single muscle tensed, ready to pounce on her unsuspecting prey. Now transfer this image on our class rep. Hikari. I can just speak for myself, but even in the Zoo, looking trough thick steel bars and with a deep and wide water trench between us, one look, just one look into the eyes of the Tiger and I felt an arctic chill flowing through my body. I couldn't move one muscle, even if my live would have depended on it ... I just couldn't do it. That's what Toji felt when Hikari was now looking at him. "Toji ... WHAT! IS! ON! THAT! CD?!?!?!" Hikari was now in full class rep mode. When she was before a nice and charming person she was now a pure Ice Queen. Toji was now near a nervous breakdown. His heart was pumping blood through his system as if he were running the marathon distance ½ an hour under the current world record. 'What should I do? I can't let her know what's on the CD! I wouldn't survive one minute after she had taken a look.' Finally coming to a decision Toji felt himself cooling down as if a powerful cooling unit had started working at full power to cool him down. During the whole scene Kensukes camera was running ad he was delirious happy about the good black-mail material on Toji when he noticed the drastic change in his whole posture and demeanour. When he was a moment before cowering in fear before the angry Hikari, he was now calmly looking back at her. 'Is he trying to commit suicide? He's gone nuts, totally whacko!' "I'm sorry Hikari, but under no circumstances will I tell you the contend of the CD. You can give me clean up duty for the rest of the year (we have April in the story) for all I care, but I will not tell you." "Suzuhara meet me at the principals office in ten minutes. Your behaviour is inexcusable." "As you wish class rep." AN: Ever seen the movie "The Princess Bride"? In that movie, which is placed in an ancient kingdom, a young servant is secretly in love with the princess of said kingdom. Whenever that servant received an order by the princess he would reply with "As you wish" which for him meant "Yes, my love". That neutral reply was his declaration of love for his beloved princess. There's obviously more to our Mr. Suzuhara as it seems at the first look. Won't you agree? "You better be there Suzuhara!" Was Hikaris angry reply before she stormed of toward the principals office. "Oh man Toji, I'm sorry! If I had known that Hikari would do ..." "It's OK Kensuke. Don't worry your head off. I knew that sooner or later I would have had to deal with such a situation. It's not your fault, not one bit. I should have been more careful dealing that matter right in front of Hikari." "Yeah, butt ..." "Just drop it Kensuke ... well I'm off to the office. I'll call you this evening to give you the details of my trial." "All right Toji. Good luck." And more like an afterthought Kensuke added in a soft whisper "You will need it". He watched his childhood friend walking into his doom, when suddenly something caught his eye. A blond woman in a white Lab-Coat stepped into Tojis way, flashed him an ID-Card and indicated to him to follow her. 'Oh man Toji. What have you got yourself into know' was Kensukes only thought at the moment. Toji was preparing himself for the upcoming onslaught when someone blocked his way. Surprised he looked up, only to look straight into an NERV ID-Card sporting the picture and name of a Dr. Akagi Ritsuko. "Did I do something wrong Ma'am?" Toji asked confused. "No Mr. Suzuhara, quite the opposite is true. I was on my way to the principals office to have a meeting with him concerning your person when I saw you. Would you please accompany me now? It would save us some time and running." "Leas the way Doc. I could never refuse a Lady as beautiful as you." Smiling Ritsuko said "Misato was right, you're a real charmer, just like Kaji-kun." With that little talk a chain of events went off, which would lead to a horrible moment in time. Right? Are you sure? Location: NERV-HQ, Office of Commander Ikari It was quite a picture for anyone who would have dared his luck and spied into the office of Ikari Gendo. The unmoving Commander behind his desk in his usual pose and in front of him, still standing at attention since seven whole minutes, Mijiro and Asuka. Nether of the two woman dared to say something, both fearing the possible reaction of the Commander. Suddenly the Commander stood up and walked in front of Asuka, who became as stiff as a steel bar. "It came to my attention Pilot Soryu that you're interested in pursuing a relationship with my son, the Pilot of Unit-01. Is that correct?" Whatever Asuka had imagined as a possible reason for being summoned before Commander Ikari, that wasn't even remotely one of them. "Wh ... With a ... all du respect Com ... Commander, I don't understand why you asked that question." "Pilot Soryu, I'm the Supreme Commander of all NERV forces, including the Evangelion Pilots. Furthermore, Pilot Ikari is my son and that give's me all the rights I need to ask you any question regarding the love live of my son." AN: Keep in mind that Asuka has no knowledge of the social development between the two Ikaris over the last few weeks. She still sees him as an emotional ice-block, a cold hearted bastard who throw his own son unprepared into combat against the angels. "You have absolutely no rights with Shinji!" Asuka was now screaming into Gendos face. "You abandoned him for years and only when you could use him for your own damn plans as a mere tool you remembered that he even existed!" Mijiro couldn't believe the drama playing in front of her eyes. 'My God Asuka, have you forgotten that this man could order your execution in the blink of an eye? I have to do something before a disaster starts" "Commander Ikari, Sir. Pilot Soryu is currently under a lot of stress and doesn't know what she is saying." That earned her an angry glare from Asuka and a cold stare from the Commander. "Nurse Usanagi, I'm aware of the stress level of Pilot Soryu at the moment, but that's no excuse for her behaviour. As an Evangelion Pilot she has to remain calm, regardless the her surrounding circumstances. Regarding her latest actions is there only one possible punishment." 'Here it comes.' Was the single thought of both women. "Effectively from today Pilot Soryus living quarters will be relocated." "Wha ...?" "Commander Ika ...!" Ignoring the two woman the Commander continued. "She will be relocated together with Pilot Ikari to a location of my choice were she has to take care of Pilot Ikari until his recovery from his injuries inflicted by Pilot Soryu." To say that the two woman were shocked would have been the understatement of the year. "Several section 2 agents will escort you to your current living quarters and help you collecting your personal belongings. You have exactly three hours before you have to report back here. Don't be fooled Pilot Soryu, any disobedience will be punished immediately." With that said several agents escorted the stunned women out of the Commanders office not seeing the devilish smirk spreading across Ikaris face. 'The game has started Shinji. Let's see how long it will take for you to figure it out.' Location: Tokyo-3 Junior High, Principals Office The old secretary, Miss Kurashima, was getting a headache. First class rep Horaki of the 2A had banged in and "demanded" a talk with the principal immediately and now that NERV doctor was here. 'That's not my day.' She thought. "Miss Kurashima I need to talk with your principal regarding the status of Mr. Suzuhara here." "Of course Ma'am ... unfortunately he's currently another visitor with him." Before the conversation could go on the office door opened and stopped all further talking. A visibly upset Hikari stepped trough the open door, her eyes screaming murder in Toji's direction. "At least you didn't run away Mr. Suzuhara. The principal want's to talk with you now!" In her anger Hikari didn't noticed Ritsuko staying beside him. When she noticed her, she oversaw the NERV-ID badge on her Lab-coat and in her anger she said "And what has she to do her Suzuhara? Are you such a coward that you needed a backup for your talk?" Toji could take a lot of verbal abuse, but calling him a coward went right of his tolerance scale. He opened his mouth to give her an appropriate reply when ... "Miss Horaki, if you're not planing to spend some time in a NERV holding cell I suggest that you keep your voice down and leave Pilot Suzuhara from now on alone." Ritsuko may have the looks of a nice lady, but underneath her friendly surface was an ice cold professional hidden. 'How dare that woman to order me around! Who is she anyway?' Giving the strange woman a quick look-over Hikaris angry answer died on her lips when she noticed the NERV-badge. 'Oh my! ... Now I'm deep ... wait a sec ... PILOT Suzuhara ?!?!' Tojis thoughts were racing in a similar fashion trough his mind. They went from angry about Hikaris and the Doctors verbal sparing to utterly shocked by that last statement from Ritsuko. 'Have I hit my head somewhere on my way here? I thought I heard her address me as PILOT Suzuhara. What the heck is going on here ?!?!' "Miss Kurashima," Ritsuko addressed the secretary. "you will forget that little discussion which happened here at once, when you know what's good for you." "Which discussion Dr. Akagi? You just entered the office." "Very good Miss Kurashima. Miss Horaki, you will acompany myself and Pilot Suzuhara at our session with the principal and I suggest you don't forget your place from now on." "Yes Ma'am." 'Oh Toji. What have you gotten into now.' Was the similar thought in both children's head Around 1 ¾ hours after that fateful meeting, Misato was sitting beside Shinjis bed, holding one hand of her little brother. "Oh Shinji. How could you have done something so foolish as to rile Asuka that much? Even if you two love each other Asuka has still an explosive temper." A slight movement of Shinjis hand beneath her own stopped her talking. Looking up she noticed his tired looking eyes looking right back at her and a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Shinji, you're awake! Are you all right?" "I'm fine Misato-chan, I'm fine. Just a littler sore and tired." Looking around his hospital room he noticed that they were alone. "Do you know where's Asuka Misato?" "Not exactly Shinji. I saw her awhile ago talking to your nurse Mijiro but I didn't talked with her. I just went right to you and I haven't heard from her since then." "I see ... do you know when I can leave this torture chamber and come home to you two?" "Well you have no serious injuries this time beside a few black and blues and two bruised ribs. I think you can leave after a quick check up and another lecture to keep it slow for the next days from your doctor." Misato smiled during the last bit. "Ha ha ... very funny Misato. If that's all it will take me to leave this place behind me you better call my Dr. Frankenstein inside so we can get on our way." Standing up Misato gave him a mock salute and said "Yes Sir, Pilot Ikari Sir. I will do as you ordered Sir." "Cut it out Misato, it hurts when I laugh to hard." "Poor little boy, you're no fun to tease when you're hospitalised." "Better cut it out Misato before I tell Asuka, that you're hitting on her boyfriend." Came the voice of Toji from outside the room. "Toji? What are you doing here at NERV?" Shinjis mind was in overdrive. 'Why is he here?' Repeated itself over and over in his mind. "Toji-kun, this is a military area. How where you able to enter the base?" Like Shinji, Misato was thinking about a reasonable reason for Tojis presence at NERV. "Well since I work here from now on, I ..." "W O R K H E R E ?!?!" "Wow, keep it down, will ya? I'm not quite deaf yet. Yes since one hour ago I'm an official employee of NERV." Shinji had suddenly a nauseating feeling running havoc in his stomach. "Toji ... what will you be doing here at NERV?" At the question Tojis eyes where clouded for a moment with pain before they became their normal sparkling self. "I'm the new Pilot of EVA Unti-03 which will be shipped here from the States in two months. I'm the fourth child, third child Ikari Shinji." "Yeah and because my dump luck was with me I pissed of someone from NERV and so I'm although with NERV from now on." Came a angry female voice from behind Toji. "Toji! Don't tell me that's who I think it is behind you!" Shinji pleaded his friend. "Afraid so pal. May I introduce you to the newest Ensign here at NERV, Ensign Horaki Hikari. AN1: Ever seen the master alarm in a nuclear power plant going off? It's quite a light show. This could be a good graphic description of Misatos and Shinjis brains at the moment. AN2: I never noticed a military rank issued with the Pilots. For this story I will make them all Lieutenant's to make their further roles more fitting. To be continued - Pilot quarters relocated. checked - Tojis is the new forth children. checked - Gendo is spinning a new devious plan. checked - Asuka is extremely pissed. checked - Hikari is suddenly an Ensign at NERV. checked - Further craziness in the next chapters. maybe I know, I know: 1. Late posting. 2. Cliff-hanger ending. 3. Bad Grammar. (I'm German, so please don't kill me) 4. Changed original story. Let the hate mails come. Not that they will kill me for real, but those sometimes gave me an idea for the next chapter. Preview for chapter 6: 1. Romantic moment with the Pilots and their friends. (No lemon scene you hentais. I like to read them, but I don't write that kind of story's.) 2. Battle against some angel. 3. Surprise discovery by Shinji. (I'm an aeronautic freak, so expect something from that topic) 4. Perhaps a new player will join the fun. (I'm not sure on that point. Maybe I will drop it, maybe not. I really don't know yet) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)