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The Pain within

Severus SnapexSirius Black


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Chapter 5: The Visitore or The fight

Chapter 5: The Visitor

The next day’s past by peacefully. It had started snowing the first night they had been there, so everything was covered in a white blanket of snow. Sev loved going outside with Sirius, which often turned into a dog, so he could run around and chase rabbets and other small animals that where still there over the winter. They had spent Christmas in front of the fire, exchanging small gifts. Sirius had gotten Severus a book, and the Slytherin had gotten the Gryffindor some expensive wax for his broom. Both of them were more than happy with there present. Severus laughed a lot at the Gryffindor, and he enjoyed the time they spent together. He wished it had never ended…

One evening he and Sirius, which was in his dog form, were sitting in front of the fire. Sirius was just resting and relaxing, the Slytherin was reading. As the Door bell rang both looked up with a surprised look on their faces.

“I’ll get it” Severus said, as he laid his book away and walked to the door. Sirius watched as he opened the door, and was not happy as he saw who it was. There he was, Lucius Malfoy, gently smiling at Severus. Sirius started growling. Severus politely asked the Malfoy in, and took his coat. The Gryffindor did not like the way Malfoy looked at Sev. As he growled at Lucius loudly, Severus shushed him with a quick “Padfoot please… he is a guest.” Sirius just made some disapproving noises, but laid back down. Lucius giggled.

“So, this is your dog then Severus?” his voice was silky, making Severus shiver a little bit. He loved this voice…

“Well… he kinda… came to me.” Severus shrugged and asked “would you like some Tee Sir?”

“No need to call me Sir. We’re not in school. Call me Lucius.” that made Severus blush.

“And I would love some tee. Do you have Earl Grey?” The black haired Slytherin nodded, and showed Lucius to the Living Room.

“Please sit down, I’ll be back in a second.” Lucius nodded, and Severus quickly walked into the Kitchen. Why the hell was Lucius here? What did he want…? Severus didn’t know what to do. With his wand he quickly made some tee, and carefully carried the cup to Lucius. The blond took it, his long fingers elegantly curling around the handle.

“Thank you.” he said politely, and took a sip. Severus looked at the other Slytherin nervously.

“Lucius, I really don’t mean to me rude but-”

“-what the hell am I doing here?” he asked, smiling at Severus in his sly, charming way. Lucius Malfoy was definitely a handsome man. Severus couldn’t take his eye’s off of the Slytherin. “I didn’t give you your gift yet, so I came by to bring it.” and with that, he took a little present from his pocket, handing it to Snape.

“Lucius you-“ Severus was hushed by a finger that was laid against his lips.

“Shush.” Lucius smiled. “Just open it and tell me if you like it, and I’ll be on my way.” He pulled his finger back from the pale lips. “open it”

Severus nodded and blushed, carefully opening the unexpected gift. What came out was a box with some very fine, brown powder. Severus could not believe his eyes.

“Lucius this… I can’t except it… how…. where?” Sirius was confused. Why was Severus so excited? He walked up to the present and looked at it. //Dirt?// he thought. //He got him… Dirt. Great.//

“I thought you’d like it.” Lucius smiled. Severus just nodded, unable to find the right words. “Don’t say anything.” the blond haired Slytherin just smiled. “I have to go now. Can I stop by again some other time?”

“Yes, of course, please do!” Lucius had truly charmed Severus. The black-haired Slytherin walked Lucius to the door, blushing violently as Lucius placed a soft kiss of his cheek.

“Goodbye Severus. I will see you soon.” and with that, Lucius disapperated.

“Bye… Lucius.” Severus stood in the door for another 5 minutes, starring at the place where Lucius had just disappeared.

“He got you dirt Sev?” Sirius asked, looking at Sev in an unusual way.

“That not dirt Sirius!” Severus quickly covered the box with the powder in it, and put it away. “That is powder made from Dragon Scales! It’s really expensive…” Severus looked at the boy, and said “I can’t believe he actually bought me a present… and such a rare one… and so expensive…”

Sirius just growled, and said “Well he has enough money to sit on his lazy ass all his life and not get in financial problems. He probably just want’s to get into your pants.”

“Sirius!” Severus looked at the Gryffindor, showing him rather clearly that he was not pleased with what he said. “He’s a handsome, well-mannered, friendly man. His father works hard for the money, and I’m sure Lucius will do so when he is grown up.”

Sirius just rolled his eye’s “God Sev… whatever… You sound like you’re in love with him or something.”

“So what if I where?” Severus hissed, and looked at Sirius. “What if I did love him?”

“They you would be stupid. He’s a slimy, manipulative Bastard, that will do nothing but hurt you. He has had more fucks than I had, and that is hard to do.”

“You’re just jealous!” Severus shouted “Jealous that he is everything you are not!” the Slytherin was angry. How dare Sirius make Lucius look bad?! How dare he make Severus unsure about the blond?! He had no right… no right to make him feel insecure.

“Of what?!” he spat “He is a ass, he has always been an ass, an he will always be an ass! He will only hurt you Sev! Listen to me, I’m trying to protect you!”

“Well stop it! I don’t need you!” Severus was closed to tears. “I can take care of myself!”

“Oh, the same way you did when you killed your father?!” Severus froze. The world around him stopped turning. Pain rushed through his heart, making it feel like it was about o burst into a million pieces.

“Sev, I didn’t mean that…” Sirius whispered. “I’m so sorry Sev I…” he didn’t get any farther.

“Get OUT!” the Slytherin screamed, randomly picking up all the things he could reach and throwing them at the Gryffindor. “GET OUT NOW!” tears dripped down his cheeks, as he looked at Sirius with obvious pain.

“Please Sev, listen to me!” Sirius said, slowly walking towards Severus. But the Slytherin just backed away, still crying.

“GET OUT NOW OR I WILL HEX YOU OUT!” he screamed, quickly getting his wand and pointing it at Sirius.

The Gryffindor sighted, realizing that it didn’t have any worth to talk to Severus now. He just calmly said “I’ll leave. I’ll be back tomorrow. Please cool down. We’ll talk soon.” and with that he walked past Severus, and disappeared as soon as he was out the door.

Severus slammed the door shut, crying and sobbing. That bloody Mutt… Severus felt more then miserable. He felt like he had just hit rock bottom. Did Sirius really think that of him…? Of course he did… Severus wasn’t worth a penny. He was an ugly, weird, good for nothing, dirty boy. How could he have believed that Sirius actually liked him…? He was so stupid…

“Is Master Severus not feeling well?” a small little voice next to Severus asked. Twinkles was looking up at her master, gently stroking his hand. Severus was very, very fond of his house elf. Twinkled had always been good to him, and Severus treated her kind and with respect. She had been the only one who had actually cared for him after his Mothers death.

“No Twinkles, I’m fine… I’m sorry for screaming. I know you don’t like it.” he quickly brushed away his tears, giving her a small smile.

“You know, Master Severus… I don’t think that you’re friend meant to hurt you. He’s just worried.”

“Please Twinkles… don’t… don’t say anything okay?” Severus always appreciated Twinkles advice, but right now he was so confused and messed up that every word that entered his mind made him feel a little bit more sick and insecure.

“Maybe Master should lay down in bed now, and Twinkles will bring him some tee and cookies?”

Severus couldn’t help but feel better. The old house elf always knew how to make him feel better. “Yes Twinkles… that would be just wonderful.” Twinkles just smiled at her master, and walked into the kitchen.

Severus slowly walked up to his room, and cuddled up in his warm bed. A few minutes later Twinkles came in, bringing him his favorite tee and cookies.

“Thank you twinkles.” he said, slowly sipping his tee and taking a cookie.

“Master should rest now. Twinkles will take care of everything.” the house elf flashed him another smile, before she left the room.

Severus just shook his head and smiled, ate his cookies and drank his tee, before laying back in his pillow. He closed his eye’s and tried to fall asleep. But his mind was to full to really come to rest. All he was thinking about was a stupid Mutt… and if that stupid mutt would be back soon…

So this is chapter 5 I hope you guy’s liked it Please comment


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