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It’s almost Christmas now

a drarry christmas.. developement


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December, 11th

Harry felt exhausted, but the day was only just beginning. Hermione had made good on her promise to prevent him from sleeping until he finished his homework and the two of them plus Ron had stayed up until one in the morning.

And any hopes of being tired enough to fall asleep quickly when he eventually went to bed flew straight out of the window, when, as soon as he lay down, his mind provided him with visions of wand movements, white-blond air touched by the wind, effects and properties of potions and stormy grey eyes.

So Harry spent another night tossing and turning until his body gave in to exhaustion and only felt able to face the morning because all students off age were allowed to have coffee (if younger students tried to pour, nothing would spill from the jug).

He detested the bitter stuff, but it woke him up like nothing else. Three morning cups of bearable white coffee later the ravenette could keep his eyes open and even participate in the conversation Ron and Hermione were trying to have with him.

“So you’re coming with us mate?” Ron was referring to the Hogsmeade trip on this week’s Saturday, as they made their way to the dungeons. Apparently the announcement had appeared overnight on the board in the common room.

“Of course he is it’s our last opportunity for last minute Christmas shopping.” The not-as-bushy-haired-as-she-used-to-be woman agreed for him from the other side of the red head.

“I’m sure you boys need it.” She teased them.

Ron let out a caught laugh and awkwardly shrugged his shoulders and Harry gave her a sheepish smile.

“Erm.. wouldn’t hurt. But are you sure you two’d not rather.. you know, go alone?”

The green eyed man felt embarrassment by addressing their relationship status. To be happy for them was all very well, but he had the feeling he’d always be weird with the practical experience.

In the past it had been natural to always be three of them (separation due to their arguments excluded), but now Harry wasn’t sure he could just stroll along, even if they asked him. Maybe they only offered to not feel bad about leaving him out, but actually wanted him to say ‘no’?

Hermione smiled at him and he had the suspicious feeling he was like an open book to her (which strangely brought up the thought if Hermione did regard humans as books…).

She did get some colour in her cheeks though.

“We’re sure Harry. Besides, when Ron still needs to look for Christmas presents we’ll be to busy for a date anyway.” Ron seemed to colour as well now and Harry quickly wanted to end the topic.

“Okay. Great. I mean… I’ll join you then.”

As they arrived in the corridor leading to the potions class they saw students file in to the already unlocked room. Harry believed he might have seen some white-blond hair and suddenly something lit up in his mind. He addressed Hermione again.

“Could you work with Ron today, if teamwork’s required?”

Hermione looked at him curiously. “Sure, but why… oh…”

“Thank you.” Harry hastily said, but Ron just looked confused.

“Oh? What do you mean oh? And what’s your problem all of a sudden mate?”

“Nothing, there is no problem, really.” Harry tried to reassure him with an apologetic look.

“Especially not with you! Erm… I’ll talk to you guys later.”

With those words he dashed the last feet ahead to the classroom and the last thing he heard was Ron’s still confused voice as he asked Hermione “What had that been about…?” before his attention shifted.

With a sweep of his gaze through the room he could see that his classmates were setting up their cauldrons at the usual places, which meant the usual unoccupied seats also remained that. He quickly picked up his cauldron and work utensils from where they’re stored and determinedly set it down in front of the free seat next to Draco Malfoy.

For that he received an incredulous stare and a sharp hiss from the aforementioned blond.

“What in Merlin’s name do you think you’re doing?”

Harry gave him something he’d like to think of as a winning smile.

“Good morning to you as well.”

But Malfoy was apparently not amused. “If you do not remove yourself immediately, I swear you’ll thoroughly reg-”

At this moment, Slughorn waddled into the room.

“Ah! Wonderful, wonderful! Everyone already setting up, that’s what I like to see.” He jovially acclaimed through his moustache. “No haste though, I have to do my own preparations as well. Those of you already done can put their essays on my desk, if you may. I’ll be with you shortly.”

And the bald potions teacher scurried off into the back room, while Malfoy had once again moved faster then Harry could blink and lay his homework on Slughorn’s desk, followed by other students. Harry arranged his tools on the table before he too went to hand in his poorly written potions essay, which probably would put a damper on Slughorn’s mood once again. The man was easy to impress, but just as easily disappointed and since Harry didn’t use the Prince’s book anymore the teen did the latter to him a lot.

When he came back to his seat he found his tools placed back in the cauldron and frowned.


“I did you the favour of packing your stuff, now you can move back to your golden table.”

Malfoy declared in a hushed voice but without looking at him.

Harry looked at him akin to Malfoy’s expression when the ravenette had claimed the seat, before turning to his cauldron and getting the utensils out again.

“I’m staying. Get over it.” He could feel the blond scowl at him, but calmly set up his work place and Slughorn returned in the next moment to the room and started the lesson.

“Alright, everybody. I’ll make it simple today. We’re going to repeat the topic of antidotes until the holidays. Now I want you to make all those advanced potions that I mentioned in your sixth year already and you now have the actual knowledge to brew. We’ll start with the Antidote to Veritaserum, which you may have noticed, is not listed in your book. Therefore kindly follow the instructions on the board. Begin!”

With his words, Slughorn waved his wand and the instructions wrote themselves on the chalkboard, while the bald man shuffled over to sit behind his desk and start on the scrolls.

Malfoy was already moving when Harry still was reading and trying to wrap his head around the words that ought to help him brew the potion.

The first thought shooting through his head was: Slughorn is calling that simple?? He was already confused before he reached the bottom of the instructions, but since he didn’t have another chance than to try, he got up to get the ingredients for a start.

As the hour progressed he sneaked glances at how Malfoy worked on the antidote in hopes of catching some pointers. Harry knew the Slytherin did well in this class, but he still was surprised that the guy not only had Hermione’s efficiency, but also Snape’s natural grace when it came to potions. It was fascinating to watch.

Harry’s own attempt meanwhile, bubbled sadly as it resembled more a dirty swamp than the shimmering bronze it should have been at this point.

“Stop trying to copy my work, Potter. If you can’t do it alone, you don’t belong in this class.” Malfoy suddenly mumbled from the corner of his mouth and Harry felt caught, quickly looking away. He glanced at the board before going over to the next step and measuring half a cup Convallaria dew to add it to his brew. Before he could so much as tilt the cup though, a hand abruptly shot out and held his wrist in a death grip. Green eyes looked up to meet with horrified silver ones.

“Put that down. Now.” The owner of the surprisingly strong hand demanded in a dangerous tone and pulled Harry’s hand away from the failing potion and back to the table again. Harry couldn’t comprehend what was going on, too concentrated on the pressure around the transition between his hand and arm and the strange tickling heat curling in his stomach when he found himself unable to look away from Malfoy’s eyes.

The cup was back on the table and the pressure disappeared, but Malfoy still looked exasperated.

“Are you even thinking Potter?!” The blond was still speaking in that hushed voice, but that didn’t decrease the intensity of his words.

“Or reading at least? Can you read?”

Somehow Harry, still a little befuddled by the turn of events, came to the conclusion that this question warranted an answer.

“Of course I can read.” He too spoke quietly, but shifted closer to Malfoy so he didn’t miss a word. The Slytherin looked doubtfully at him.

“And you are sure about that?” When Harry gave him a mixture of a confused and annoyed look Malfoy pointed at the board.

“Half a spoon of Convallaria dew. A spoon, Potter! You’re not even trying to pay attention are you? An overdose of the dew in combination with the powdered Chizpurfle pincers develops one of the deadliest gases known to exist. You could have wiped the whole class out!”

Harry’s eyes widened in shock and his head whipped to the front to read over the instructions again. With horror he realized that Malfoy was right and his eyes somehow had slipped to the next line when reading, confusing the measures and nearly making a deadly mistake. Malfoy meanwhile seemed to be working up a rant.

“Were you trying to imitate Longbottom or what?! We can be glad enough he isn’t taking this class anymore, he doesn’t need a substitute! And why are you laughing now, Potter?!

By now they were drawing attention. Harry had looked back to the blond and was suddenly struck with the similarity to Hermione’s rants of him not doing his homework properly and not paying enough attention and the comparison was so hilarious that he started chuckling. Malfoy on the other hand, looked livid until Slughorn came strutting over asking if they had a problem.

“No, sir. No problem. Just Potter trying to kill us all.” The blond said sulkily, glowering at his own potion now that he had neglected for the last five minutes. The expression really did nothing to calm Harry’s giggling fit. He swallowed it down as best as he could though, while Slughorn eyed him with concern.

“No, I apologize sir. I confused something, probably had too much coffee this morning, but Malfoy here was kind enough to explain it to me.” He tried his best to look reassuring to his professor.

“Well Harry… if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. That goes for all of you by the way.” Slughorn reminded the class. “Now, finish your potions, boys.” And he waddled away again.

At least Harry wasn’t laughing anymore by now and sounded sincerely again when he turned to his table partner.

“Thanks for stopping me.”

There was the typical sneer again, but somehow it didn’t look so hostile today.

“I just don’t fancy dying, that’s all.”

“Okay…” Harry said and tried one of those assumingly winning smiles again. “Still thanks.”


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (3)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Joyo
2013-12-13T13:44:03+00:00 13.12.2013 14:44
Of course you were trying to kill us all. Can someone be more miserable at potions than you, Potter? *sneer* maybe you should take extra lessons.. û.u ( nice chap xD i notice we totally differ in our writing style but that's okay i guess.)
Antwort von:  Ryuuzaki
14.12.2013 11:23
Yes! I'm fairly certain Neville is worse! xD
You're just distracting me you git xD
(what... did you expect we have the same? xD)
Antwort von:  Joyo
14.12.2013 15:10
At least Longbottom only blew up himself and not others, Potter. *raises his eyebrow* ( No... but it's very different.. xD Yesterday I read a fanfic that was so beautifully written in style that I was instantly jealous. xD)
Von:  Schwarzfeder
2013-12-13T11:58:21+00:00 13.12.2013 12:58
Whay~ I love this chap *^*

So viele Andeutungen und soviel...dazwischen. Ich mag sowas. Es ist so toll und anstachelnd und man will wissen wie's weiter geht xD~ Ja~ ich bin echt gespannt :3 Wirklich schön. Ich mag auch diese kleinen eingeflochtenen Details wie das mit dem Kaffee oder der Verlegenheit von Ron und Moine xD~ Wirklich sehr schön gemacht ^^
Antwort von:  Ryuuzaki
14.12.2013 11:21
Danke, es macht mehr Spaß wenn andere auch Spaß an der Entwicklung haben x3
