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What could have happened

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Battle & Surprise

What could have happened 2 !!!

Hello out there! First of all I want to apologise for any possible fault or bug in my story regarding the original Neo Genesis Evangelion story.

Story Outline

Part1 of Wchh dealt with a different set-up for the first encounter of Shinji and Asuka and ended with the battle against the seventh angel. During that fight Shinji gets terribly wounded and is since than hospitalised at the intensive care station of the NERV hospital. The second part now focus at the recovery of Shinji and ... that's a surprise four you. You still have to read that story before you now the surprise.

Chapter 2 Battle&Surprise

Location: NERV Hospital IC-Station

Time: 8:26 AM - 8 ½ weeks after the battle

As always since 8 weeks nurse Usanagi made her morning check-up on Ikari Shinji and as always she was accompanied by Major Katsuragi and Pilot Soryu who arrived always at that time of the day to see after Shinji.

"Good morning Misato, Asuka."

"Good morning Mijiro. Anything new today?" Misato replied to Mijiro's greeting.

"I was on the way to check his status. Car to join me?"

"You already know the answer Mijiro." Asuka growled, her expression going darker instantly.

"Asuka calm down." Misato said in a soothing tone. "You know how Mijiro meant it."

Asuka didn't replied to that and simply walked away toward Shinji's room.

Looking at the marching away redhead, until she went into Shinji's room, Mijiro looked at Misato. "Has she told you yet about it Misato?"

"You knew her Mijiro. She never talks about her feelings, even when it's quit obvious to everyone around her. I just hope that she will tell Shinji after he's awake."

"Right Misato. We better give her some moments to calm down and talk with Shinji."

In Shinji's room, Asuka had seated herself at the headboard of Shinji's bed. As usual now she took one of Shinji's hands and squeezed it lightly.

"Good morning Baka, it's me Asuka." She paused, looking for any kind of reaction to her voice by Shinji. When no one came she sighed and continued her talking. "They are going to reactivate Unit-00 in the next four or so day's. I don't know if I've told you, but the first child is a miracle for me. She never shows any emotion, even when you argue with her, she never reacts. Maybe you could tell me why she is the way she acts when you're back with us." She stopped there her talking for a few moments, where she tried to sort out the right words to say next. "We all miss you Shinji. Toji and Kensuke ask me, whenever we see us, how you're doing and Misato is a nervous wreck all the time when she's not filled up with her beer. Please come back to us ... come back to me my handsome pilot." The last words were barley a whisper.

Outside Shinji's room Mijiro and Misato were talking, when suddenly Misatos handy started ringing. Looking at the display first, Misato saw, that NERV was trying to talk with her.

"Major Katsuragi speaking, what's the problem?"

The voice of Ibuki Maya answered her "Major, you and Asuka must come to the headquarter immediately, we have a angel approaching which will reach Tokyo-3 during the next four hours."

"Roger that Maya, we will be on our way shortly."

"Mijiro we have a emergency situation at NERV, please tell Asuka to come to the exit while I get us a express train toward headquarter."

"Of course Misato and good luck."

"Thanks Mijiro, bye."

Asuka at first didn't noticed the knock at the door, because she was real deep in her thoughts. When she noticed the knocking she nearly felt out of her chair. Turing her head she noticed Mijiro standing in the doorway.

"You're requested at NERV Asuka. Misato is outside organising an express-train for you both."

"OK, Mijiro. I'll be out in a few seconds."

Nodding Mijiro left Asuka alone to return to her normal duties.

Before she left Asuka leaned down and gave Shinji a quick kiss on his forehead. "I'll be back soon Shinji. God protect Ritsuko if this is just another damn test."

After that she left the hospital room and Shinji, not noticing the twitch of his face when she left.

It wasn't another test, quite the opposite, the situation was very serious. Asuka and her Unit-02 were the only available defenders, 'cause

Unit-00 was still deactivated and Unit-01 refused any attempt of Rei to sync with the EVA. When the angel reached the borders of Tokyo-3

Unit-02 was launched to engage the enemy, after a few moments one fact was clear. That operation doesn't went well for Asuka. The Angel was toying with her like a cat toyed with a mouse, it nearly played her to death.

Since 20 minutes the battle was now going on and it was a titanic scene for those who were able to follow the battle. The best description would be found in the old mythologies of the Vikings;

R A G N A R Ö Ö K, the battle between the Titans and the Nordic Gods about the final fate of the Earth.

The noise those two titans created could be heard in every corner of Tokyo-3, even deep down in the Geofront. Those noises and the vibrations of the battle far above the ground were the final push that Shinji needed to regain consciousness.

Opening his eyes Shinji noticed at first the bland white ceiling above his head, which made him realise, that he was again in a hospital room.

'That's great!' Shinji thought. 'I'm again in that damned hospital and judging by my sore muscles for quite a while.'

Right than another shockwave from the battle above made herself noticeable, when the water-glass on Shinji's nightstand started to shake and spill some of it's contend.

AN: Those of you, who have seen Jurassic Park 1, should remember the scene of the movie. I mean the night scene in front of the T-Rex gage.

Looking around Shinji decided, almost by instinct, to check out what was happening outside. A little shakily, because of his sore muscles, he made his way through surprisingly deserted hallways toward the EVA launch-bays. Why he went there he didn't know, it just felt right for him to do.

When he reached the launch-bay he immediately noticed that something was amiss. He saw that Unit-00 was in cryostasis and restraint in his holding cage. He saw that Unit-01 stood ready to launch in his launch position, but he although saw that the entry-plug wasn't inserted, which made him realise a main fact.

'Holly shit!!! That means Asuka and Unit-02 are fighting the angel without any support.' Shinji's mind screamed in his head.

Looking around the launch-bay he searched for someone to help. Seeing no one he screamed out in frustration ... "Damn it! Somebody help me!" After a few moments he started to shout again for help, when a frightening sound made him stop. The sound of overstressed and breaking metal. Looking in the launch-bay his eyes widened in horror when he saw the source of that noise.

Right in front of him happened something he believed to be impossible. Unit-01 had activated all by himself and was now breaking free from his restrains. Shinji stood on the catwalk paralysed by shook, looking like a frightened kitten at his purple EVA. After a few moments his mind noticed something. He noticed that his EVA stood now in front of him, his arm outstretched as if to lend him a hand.

Looking up in the face of Unit-01, Shinji received his next shock. It seemed as if Unit-01 was smiling gently down at him, like a caring mother asking her child to come with her. It took Shinji only a few more moments to come to a decision.

"Looks like we both want to fight today. Than let's get this show on the road."

Stepping at the outstretched hand of Unit-01 Shinji let himself be lifted near the neck of the EVA from were he climbed the final few meters to the entry-plug. After the self-insertion of the plug both warriors made there way to the surface via one of the emergency routes Shinji had studied in the plans NERV had made him study when he arrived at the headquarter.

As crazy as it might sound, but all those things happening down in the launch bay went totally unnoticed by the command staff, whose main focus was on the outside raging battle which doesn't looked good for Asuka.

"Damn Misato. I'm running out of options her, you better come up with a good plan and that very, very fast or you want have to worry about anything very soon."

"Asuka, try to keep him at bay, while you retreat to armament building No. 571. We are sending you the positron rifle up, maybe this one has enough power to penetrate the angels AT-field."

"Roger that Misato, but make it fast." Asuka said while firing her heavy rocket launcher to provide cover for her retreat.

Unfortunately the Angel seemed to have anticipated such a move and while he made a quick side-step to prevent himself to get hurt he unleashed an attack of his own on Unit-02. Bad luck for Asuka was the fact that the angel's aim was terrible good. The attack inflicted heavy damage on Asukas EVA, to be precise it made Asuka loose her conciseness.

Everyone in the command center was speechless. Asuka. Unit-01. The last defence of humanity had lost. Than the ice cold voice of the commander gave them the next shock of the day.

"Major Katsuragi, it seems we have lost our last line of defence. In order to save humanity you better activate NERV Headquarters self-destruct system. Set the timers to 10 Minutes and engage the evacuation alarm afterwards. We have lost."

More than the destruction order, those last three words shocked Misato like nothing she had heard or experienced before. "Commander, is their nothing more we can do? I mean, what about Unit-00 or Unit-01 and ..."

"Those would require more time than we have available. We are out of options, better you accept that Major."

While the commander was talking a new alarm could be heard in the command center. Looking at her screen Lieutenant Maya Ibuki gasped in shock at what she read there. That made the rest of the command crew look at her.

Turning around in her seat Maya faced the commander and shouted. "Commander, weapon shelter No.079 is ripped open and the stored rocket launcher are active."

"How's that possible? Has Unit-02 activated again or what happened? I need answers!!!" Misato shouted.

"Major we have something on our screen from security camera omega-beta7." Makoto shouted.

"What are you waiting for Makoto , but it on the main screen." Misato ordered

"At once Major."

After the defeat of Asuka/Unit-02 and the activation of the self-destruct charges in the headquarter nobody thought it possible that there could be something that would surprise them. The active main screen teaches them something different.

"That's ... That's ..." Makoto stammered "That's EVA Unit-01!!!"

When Shinji reached the surface, he saw a scene which made him realise something horrible.

"I'm to late." He whispered in shock.

In the distance, about 2000 meters at 2 o'clock, he saw the battered form of Unit-02 lying on the ground with the angel towering above the fallen EVA. He normally was a very quit and gentle person, but that scene in front of him made him shake in rage. Never before in his live had Shinji felt such emotions building up inside himself. Anger. Hatred. Rage. Those who would have looked in the face of Unit-01 would have noticed the unholy gleam in the eyes of the EVA. Furious Shinji/Unit-01 let out an inhuman howl.

Howling in anger and rage Unit-01 ripped open the nearest weapon shelter and griped the stored rocket launchers, while in the mind of his pilot only one sentence repeated herself over and over.


AN: I'm not so good in describing battle scenes, so I will give you now only a brief description of the battle. Just combine the "Sea of Dirac" bloodbath with Shinji's fight against the 14th angel and than multiplicity it with factor 5. Or to say it more graphic, imagine a very hungry T-Rex in the stadium of the super bowl end game. Quite a bloody mess. ;-)

Looking down at the bloody mass of the angel Shinji destroyed the Angels core with one last horrible blow. In his battle clouded mind than one thought made himself noticed. 'That Angel is going to explode!' Looking around Shinji spotted the form of Unit-02 lying on the ground. Embracing the fallen EVA, Shinji/Unit-01 raised his AT-Field to protect his fallen comrade.

When the effects of the explosion faded away Shinji ejected his entry-plug manual, but not before he screamed for medical assistance to whoever would listen to his com. Now after the battle he had only one thing on his mind:

Don't die Asuka, please be all-right!!!

Deep down in the Geofront inside NERV Headquarter, a shocked silence ruled the entire central command room. Nobody had, even in his wildest dreams believed such a scene what happened above on the surface for possible. More than one of the command crew was on the brink of emptying his stomach the wrong way. Even the normally ice-hearted commander of NERV, Ikari Gendo, seemed a bit pale. No one was able to move even a finger before the shout of Shinji for medical assistance could be heard over the com. That finally awakened the crew enough to do something different than staring at the view screen.

"Get them a medical team as fast as possible and have them both brought down into the hospital immediately." Misato ordered her crew forcefully, herself on the brink of tears.


Location: NERV Hospital Emergency Station

Time: 1 ½ Hours after the battle

In a different situation Mijiro would have found the scene in front of her amusing, but the seriousness of the events made it unable for her to smile. It was the same room than 2 hours before and at the first look it looked the same, but it wasn't the same situation as before. The positions had changed, now Ikari Shinji was guardian the sleep of Soryu Asuka Langley. The only good thing was that Asukas injuries were compared to Shinji's before minimal. It wouldn't take to long for her before she should regain conciseness.

"Trust me Shinji, she will be all right in no time."

That made Shinji flinch in surprise. He hadn't notice her entrance before ad he was now confused. "I'm sorry Miss, but do I know you?"

"Sorry Shinji, I forgot that you were the last weeks unconscious. I'm Usanagi Mijiro and I took care for you the last 9 weeks while you were in this hospital."

"Oh, thank you Miss Usanagi ..."

"Please Shinji, no Miss Usanagi. Over the weeks Misato, Asuka and I have become friends, so I think it's OK if you call me Mijiro."

"OK, ... Mijiro." With that said Shinji looked again at the sleeping Asuka.

"Shinji? Can I ask you a question? It's a personal one."

"Go ahead Mijiro." Shinji answered, but he wasn't prepared for that kind of question.

"Are you in love with Asuka?"

Turning bright red, his eyes wide in shock, Shinji looked at Mijiro as if she had declared she were the next Angel. "What???"

"I mean you both are sitting at the hospital bed of the other with such determination and such a caring look plastered on your faces, that it's looks like you two are totally in love with each other."

Both, Mijiro and Shinji, were to much focused on each other to notice the fact, that Asuka had regained consciousness and was now listening to the conversation.

'This is bound to be interesting' Asuka thought by herself.

At first Shinji just remained silent with a confused look on his face, but than his expression went from confused to serious and finally to one of soft caring. "Am I that easy to read Mijiro?"

Only a very short list of events left Asuka speechless, to hear now that Shinji admitted her love for her was a new addition to that list. Unnoticed by Asuka, but not by Mijiro, a single tear appeared on her face, not a tear of sorrow more a tear of joy.

Smiling at that Mijiro decided it was time to leave those two alone for a while. "Yes you are Shinji, but only for those who know where to look. Actually I think you should tell Asuka how you feel about her, now that she's awake." With that said Mijiro smiled at Shinji whose face registered a mild surprised look, and went out of the room. Just before she was out of the door, Mijiro turned around and addressed the two teens once more. "You two please keep in mind that this is a hospital, so you better keep your conversation civilian."

When Shinji was red before, he was now step away from exploding in embarrassment. Before he was able to respond to that a small, soft voice answered instead of him. "Don't worry Mijiro, we will wait until we're home, before we start anything."

AN: For all of you who think this story will become dirty ... forget that really fast. I'm not writing a lemon here.

"I hope so Asuka, good by you two."

After Mijiro had left the room a uncomfortable silence settled in the room. Both kids were to afraid of what would come next.

"How much have you heard Asuka?" Shinji finally asked.

"I would say enough my handsome pilot. So, aren't you going to ask me something?"

"Asuka, how do you fell about me?"

Smiling Asuka lifted both of her hands to gently cup Shinji's face and pulled him closer to her. When their noses were almost touching she whispered. "I feel that for you." And after that she kissed him softly on his lips.

The kissed seemed to last eternity's for them, even when it lasted only a few seconds. For both of them those second were the most beautiful of their lives. Almost reluctantly they broke the contact after a while.

Deep blue eyes looked light blue eyes and time seemed to froze again for those two people. For them it looked as if they could see right into the soul of the other and both of them could see the deep feelings one had for the other. It was an overwhelming experience for both.

Another kiss seemed unavoidable, but to their bad luck (at least those two thought it was bad luck ;-)) Misato entered the room at that very moment.

"Looks like our sleeping princess has finally awaken. How are you doing Asuka?"

'Before you entered quit fine Misato' Asuka thought to herself. "I'm OK Misato:"

'What's wrong with her? She looks as if she's displeased to see me now.' Misato thought, but than she noticed the closeness of those two and the soft expressions on the faces of her two housemates. Putting two and two together the truth hit her like a truck hit a wall. "Where you two making out or what!" She exclaimed.

That send Shinji's blushing into overdrive while Asukas face transformed into an angry one. "Misato, keep your mind out of the gutter. We just have found out, that we love each other nothing more."

"Oh that's nice ... WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




So what do you think. Please keep in mind that as a German my English knowledge might be not very well, so please don't be to hard with me. Any comment or well meant criticism is appreciated.

You can contact me under D-J79@gmx.de or daniel79_de@yahoo.com or you just write a review at Fanfiction.net.

PS: Sorry for that lame cliffhanger ending. During the end of this story part I had some kind of writers block.


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