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Moonlight Lovers



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Chapter 3 (english)

I saw it in my room and leafed through one of the books. So far I hadn't been able to read much in it, even though several days had passed since the shopping spree. But I still hadn't understood what had happened that evening.

A sigh escaped me and finally, I jumped out of bed and straightened my hair. It wouldn't do any good, I just couldn't concentrate on the book. No. I had to find out what had happened.

Most likely Ivan would answer me, but it was more likely that he knew as much as I do. Sunday just said I didn't have to worry. She avoided all other questions about it or suddenly had something to do. I paced a few steps up and down the room. Sunday ... something else had happened. She almost kissed me. Or was that the reason she avoided me? Was it uncomfortable for her?

It didn't help, I probably had to talk to one of the guys about it and there was only one guy who was most likely to answer me. Without thinking too much, I left my room and knocked on the door of his room. A little more energetic than I wanted, but at least I knocked. I cleared my throat.

“Beliath? Eloise here… do you have a minute?” I asked, then listened at the door.

"Come in." The vampire's voice penetrated through the door and I took a quick breath and opened it. When I stepped into Beliath's room, I looked around briefly.

"Good evening. I… hope I'm not bothering you?” I asked uncertainly and looked at the vampire who was looking on a couch.

"Good evening, my beautiful." Beliath smiled at me, then indicated to me that I should come to him. “I always have time for a beautiful woman. How can I help you?” He asked curiously and I sat down next to him but kept a certain distance.

“It's… about Sunday. May I ask you a few questions about her?” I asked softly and Beliath laughed.

“You straightened out the first one. Why, surely. What do you want to know? I don't know all about her, but maybe I can answer you. Even though I was hoping to get to know you a little better.”

I noticed how I was blushing and looked briefly to the side.

"Later." I gave in reply. “First Sunday. So ... she's only ever been here to visit. Once a year, right? If she's here ... will you go away together? Did you see her when she ... well ... when she bites people? How does she go about it?” I asked, looking back at Beliath who had raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Well, I would not have thought that you would be interested in their hunting behavior." He seemed to think twice. “But yeah, sometimes she came to Moondance with Ethan and me. Sometimes just to dance and party, sometimes just to find loot. Although I can't quite understand their taste. Once I saw her snogging wildly on the dance floor with a woman, and the next evening she went with a guy and wasn't here at the manor until early in the morning.” He shrugged. “But, allow me a question, my beauty. Why do you ask?” The vampire looked at me expectantly. I avoided his gaze and blushed again.

"Well ... she ... I ... I wanted to know if she ... " I paused and fell silent while nervously chewing my lip. The next moment I felt Beliath's hand on my chin, which lifted my face with gentle force and forced me to look at him.

"Do I understand correctly that you are interested in Sunday's sexuality?" He asked me directly. I didn't need to answer. No. I involuntarily gave the answer by blushing. Still, I forced myself to give a tentative nod.

"She ... tried to kiss me. A few days earlier ... since she eludes me." Confessed I finally and looked shyly at Beliath.

"Has she? Well, who wouldn't want that? But it's good that you came to me the others would only give you unnecessary advice. "

"And ... what do you advise me?" I asked timidly.

“The question is not what I advise you to do. But what do you think about it. How did you react "

" I ... would have returned the kiss ... I think. I do not know exactly. We were interrupted and then we ran home ... "

"Are you interested in women?" The question came so directly from Beliath that I stared at him for a moment.

“I don't know… I never thought about it. I've always imagined a future with a husband, a house, a child and a dog ... but ... never thought about whether I could feel anything for a woman.” I confessed and felt caught out. But I didn't know exactly why.

"Then we'll just find out." Before I could ask what, he meant, Beliath had leaned over to me and pressed his lips to mine. I returned the kiss timidly.

"And?" Beliath asked me after he had broken the kiss.

"And what?" I asked.

“Was it like the moment when our Sunshine almost kissed you? Did you feel anything?”

I thought about it for a moment and shook my head.

“No, nothing at all. My heart pounded on Sunday, but with you ... nothing at all. But does a kiss mean so much?” I asked and Beliath shook his head.

"No. But it's something we can work with. I already have an idea of how you can get closer to Sunday. Or rather, how you can spend time with her without it seeming forced ... a chat, a little flirt. Nothing is better suited for this than a party. "

"A party? Should I go to the Moondance with her? But aren't there ... too many people?” I crossed my arms and considered. But I liked the idea. "She wanted to go to Moondance with me soon."

“The Moondance is not the right place for it. No. We're having a party here in the manor house. Trust me, we've done this a number of times. And for you and Sunday, the perfect opportunity. You can talk to her, flirt, dance ... and above all, find out whether you really like women. "

I let it go through my head for a moment before I started grinning.

“That… sounds like a plan. Thank you.” I got up. "Need some help, in planning?" I asked curiously, but the vampire shook his head.

“Dear of you but trust me. It will be a nice evening and we will all have a good time. I will discuss it directly with the others and then prepare everything. "

"Just one thing. That’s what ... nobody will find out. Promise?” I asked, looking intently at him.

Beliath grinned.

“I don't know what you're talking about, my Beautiful. Maybe you will need to refresh my memory?” He said teasingly and leaned over to me. A sigh escaped me, then I just let him stand and we left his room together, but then went in different directions. As Beliath went downstairs, I made my way up to the attic. But when I opened the door, voices came down to me. Sunday and Vladimir apparently fighting. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't understand everything.

“You want to talk to … about it? Did you even think for a second ... what ... was going to happen? "

"Yes! Yes, I have ... as opposed to ... We can't ... hide forever. ... have to know. "

I sighed and closed the door. No, I didn't want to know. I was curious, yes, but something inside told me not to investigate any further on this matter. So, I turned around and went downstairs too, into the great hall.

"Good evening, Raphael." I greeted the vampire, who turned to me.

"Good evening, Miss. Did you see Vladimir?” He asked me and I nodded. “Not seen, but he's in Sunday's attic and they seem to be arguing. I left before they noticed me. I thought it would be better that way before I got caught between the fronts.” I confessed and this time Raphael nodded.

"Smart decision. But I'd rather go up and try to settle. The two quarrels often, but every third quarrel ends with Vladimir kicking Sunday out and we don't see her for a year.” He sighed and then scurried past me upstairs. I watched him go for a moment before descending the last few steps and looking around. What should I do now? It was just midnight and a couple of hours would stay with me until sunrise.

Finally, I went to the kitchen to have a bite to eat. There was a piece of paper on the table, which I glanced over briefly. Sunday had baked cakes, of which I now took one and tried it carefully. It was a mixture of raspberries and cream filling, which were amazingly tasty.

I sat in the kitchen for a while and looked bored out the window before My eyes fell on the door. What was behind it?

My curiosity was piqued, so I hopped off the stool and headed for the door. It was open and apparently led to the basement. Which, like the attic, contained old clutter. Sunday had probably even brought some of the attics down here. But there was something else here. Something ... that caught my attention. Another door that was half-hidden behind the junk. I carefully made my way across and opened the further door. This was also open and apparently led into another cellar area, which was deeper underground. I felt for a light switch and then slowly walked down the aisle. How long was this tunnel? Suddenly I winced and fell to my knees.

What was that? My body no longer obeyed me. I was shaking even though I wasn't cold. In a silent panic, I couldn't get a word out and couldn't move.

Was there someone coming? Were these steps that echoed in the distance? Who someone else followed me down the aisle? Or did they come towards me? The light flickered before it went out and no matter who it was, I lost consciousness before I could find out.

When I came to, the day had already broken, and I was lying on my bed. Strange. How did I get here? I didn't remember, just the cake and then? I was about to get up when I noticed Sunday. She saw it on the floor next to my bed. However, had one arm on my bed and prayed her head on it. My heart was warm, it had to be terribly uncomfortable and yet she was tough by my side and fell asleep like that.

"Sunday?" I asked, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Heh ... wake up." I said and watched the vampire, who was moving slowly and blinking sleepily.

"Eloise? Everything's OK with you? You broke down in the kitchen ... I ... I'm sorry. Apparently, I did something wrong with the cakes and accidentally poisoned you…” she said, looking as if she was about to burst into tears.

"The cakes? No ... they weren't ... I think ... I don't remember anything ...” I admitted. "But even if I should pass out again, the cakes are worth it for me." I cheered Sunday, who smiled weakly and then stretched.

"Beliath has told me about the party he organized want ... then ... you can indeed equal to your new dress to put on, which we for since bought Moondance." She changed remarkably quickly the subject. I nodded.

"Yes. I'm looking forward to it too. Beliath said they'd have a party here more often ... amazing when I think about how hard they try to keep their identities a secret.” I muttered and Sunday sighed.

“Well… these parties are not just for fun… they also make it easier for them to find food. That's kind of the vampiric way of ordering food to your home. "

"Only that it's not pizza, it's people?" I thought about it. It made sense, but I didn't know what to make of it. "So, will the party be an ‘all-you-can-eat blood buffet’ for the others?" I asked and looked down. Should I look forward to it now? A sigh escaped me.

Sunday nodded. “Then we erase the guests' memories. They just remember that they went to a party, drank too much, danced too much and some may have a hangover. But nobody remembers a vampire party.” Sunday explained and gave a short giggle. “Every time I think of a musical that I saw in Germany. 'Dance of the Vampires'. Really great ... and a masterpiece. "She praised the piece and then stood up to stretch again.

“Do you want to get some sleep? Otherwise, I would like to go upstairs and lie down ... " She mumbled, and I thought about it.

“Yes, I'll get some sleep too. But ... you can stay here. Then you don't need to go upstairs ... you seem like you can barely take three steps before you fall asleep. Or would you prefer to sleep standing up in the aisle? Or afterwards, you get lost and accidentally lie down next to one of the boys…” I joked and she laughed out loud.

"If it weren't for the first time, I slept with one of the others, yes ... before it happens to me again, I'd rather stay here." To my amazement, she didn't lie on the other side of the bed, but on the floor.

"No!" Said I decisive and she drove frightened high.

"What?" Sunday looked at me, startled.

“Lie… lie down in bed with me. There is enough space on the side there! You don't need to sleep on the floor …” I escaped as I pointed to the other side of the bed.

"Are ... you sure?" She asked carefully and I nodded.

“Of course, … otherwise I could have let you stumble upstairs. Lie down here ... "

Sunday smiled, circled the bed and before she lay down, she took off her clothes, except for her black top and her strange frog panties. I giggled.

"You'd think you stole that from the children's department."

"And yet there are these motifs for adults and my size." She laughed softly and then snuggled under the covers.

"Eloise? Have a good night, sleep well. "She said softly and a few moments later, she was already sunk into her deep vampire sleep. I watched her for a while before falling asleep too.

When I woke up hours later, Sunday was still asleep next to me. She had half trampled on, revealing her divinely long legs. I took a closer look at her, here and their scars adorned her body. Where did she get it from? From fights with other vampires, or did they come from your human life? When I caught myself that I Sunday had been staring for several minutes, I crawled with flushed cheeks out of bed and went to the bathroom. I washed myself hoping it would wash my thoughts away, but it didn't work. When I went back to my room, my gaze slid back to the sleeping vampire and I found myself again how much I would like to touch her. Tousle her hair, touch her skin and explore. Hear Sunday’s heartbeat and, most importantly, how I would love to kiss her. I sank down on the bed, buried my glowing face in my hands, and took a few minutes to sort it all out. I had never felt anything for a woman before. Then why, was I so ... dilapidated on Sunday? I didn't understand. Was it the bond? Or was I ... was I a lesbian, or at least bi? I had never thought about it and I really didn't know how to deal with this realization. Again, I was at the beginning of the question, at which Beliath's party, hopefully, could give me answers.

I got up and left my room. I needed a distraction, and I needed it now. Maybe I would find a book in the library that would give me other thoughts.

As I went down the stairs, I noticed boxes in the entrance area. I put my head how and looked around. At that moment the front door opened, and Ethan and Aaron came in, both of whom were carrying more boxes.

"Seriously. Beliath is planning and we must drag ourselves with the crap every time.” Ethan growled and put down another box.

"And yet you have more fun at every party than you should." Aaron countered and looked at me. “Hello, Eloise. Are you feeling better? You broke down in the kitchen last night ... "

“Probably Sandy wanted to get rid of you and poisoned you. You had a cake in your hand and half your face was smeared with cream…” Ethan grinned, and Aaron sighed.

“Good evening, you two. Yes, I feel better ... and I'm sure it's not on the tart was that it so badly went, suddenly." Did I say, pointing to the boxes. “Is that all for Beliath's party? How many guests does he want to invite?”

Aaron shrugged.

“There will probably be more than Vladimir agreed anyway. "


"Something different. Where's Sandy?” Ethan then asked and picked up a box which he placed on top of another to clear the aisle.

“She sleeps in my room. "

Ethan nodded. "Good. Then I can take her laptop. I felt my part of the task, the rest should be done by others. No, you don't have to bother me for the rest of the evening …” With that, the white-haired vampire went up the stairs and disappeared upstairs, which Aaron commented with a sigh.

"I don't understand what the three things about this technique ..." he muttered and picked up two boxes.

" What do you mean?" I asked curiously and picked up a smaller box and followed Aaron with it into the kitchen and put it there.

“How are vampires… we don't need human technology. Sure, a visit to the cinema in the late-night is okay ... but not every day. Ivan and Ethan keep telling us every week that they'd like a TV or a computer anyway. But if you are bored ... there are enough books in the library. "

“But… maybe it's the attraction because we don't have one here? If we had a TV, it would only be interesting for the first few weeks ... and then it would only be used from time to time.” I thought out loud.

"You see, and then you can do without it right away."

It's a shame, the attempt to convince Aaron had gone wrong. " And would if I just buy one and put it down?" I asked after Aaron and his eyebrows went up.

"Then Vladimir would throw you out with that thing," He said and laughed.

“But it's my house! And if I want to have a TV in every room, then I can do that ... "

“In theory, maybe in practice, you no longer own the house. You are a Chalice ... a Chalice of a vampire who is only a guest here. "

"What if I'd picked someone from you guys?"

"Even then, we wouldn't buy a TV." Aaron ended the discussion and I gave up for now. The last word has not yet been spoken on this matter. Especially since I had to fight this battle with Vladimir.

I helped Aaron, then Beliath, prepare for the party. Sunday only honored us briefly with her presence before she seemed a bit distant, slipped away and was no longer to be found for the rest of the night. Although Raphael assured me that she was near the manor house, no one could find her anymore. Even when the day came, she was still as if swallowed by the ground.

Tired of getting ready for the party, I went to the bathroom and ran a bath. I enjoyed the hot bath and played around with the foam, while I was with the splashing water.

When I got out of the tub, the first rays of sunshine could already be seen in the sky and let my room shine in the soft morning light. I snuggled into the sheets and looked at the side of the bed where Sunday had slept. I slowly fell asleep while imagining how we would be spending time at the party.

Just before sunset, I was awakened by a thud and startled. I looked around, startled, and then got up. Whatever it was, it had served perfectly as an alarm clock. I was able to get ready in peace and quiet and had just put on my dress when there was a knock on the door.

"Eloise? Sunday here ... may I come in. "

"Of course, it's open!" I shouted happily and sit down at my dressing table.

“Hey, I can't wait to go to the party with you.“ She said happily and then grinned a little. "Do you need a moment?" She asked and I nodded.

"Just the hair and some make-up." I answered and smiled weakly.

"Then I'll help you quickly."

Sunday came up to me and took the brush and started combing my hair.

"Why don't you have that dress on that we bought?" I asked curiously as I checked her reflection in the mirror. Instead of a dress, Sunday wore a white shirt, waistcoat and trousers, with her hair tied in a bun. Sure, it suited her well. But I would have preferred to see her in the dress. The vampire laughed softly and began to braid my hair.

"I actually had it on first ... but somehow ... I think I'll save the dress for the Moondance." She said then and tied my hair with a headband. I watched her skillful hand movements, then she turned me and leaned down a little. I felt my heart pound when suddenly she was so close to me. Within a few moments, she had given me the perfect make-up. Although it was set discreetly, I looked like a completely different person. Fascinated, I watched myself in the mirror.

"Thank you ... " I said and smiled. "Well then, I'm ready."

I got up and left the room with Sunday. Meanwhile, music was coming in from below and I raked my way to Sunday. We went down the stairs together and immediately I was spellbound by the atmosphere.

"Wow ..." I looked around speechless. The guests were already there, drinking, chatting and laughing. Finally, in the crowd, I discovered Beliath, who came straight to us when he saw us.

"My ladies. Eloise, you look fantastic.” Then his gaze went to Sunday and something in his gaze changed.

"Sunshine, I really regret telling you that, but ... why this outfit? You have such beautiful legs that you could easily have presented them. Isn't it Eloise?” He winked at me and I blushed. But Sunday just laughed.

“I said to Eloise, I'll keep the dress for the next visit to Moondance. I mean ... I didn't want to make your guests unnecessarily hot so that everyone is hanging on my lips and not giving me any air to breathe. I prefer to spend my time with Eloise. "

"Only it looks so awesome, many of the guests have eyes only for her." Countered Beliath both grinned at each other and before I knew what turf war fought out two straight, Sunday pulled me already with them.

"So, come on ... drink, dance or dance, drink?" She asked me about our evening program, and I thought about it.

"First have a drink, then I'd like to have a look around ..." I thought and Sunday nodded.

" Come on." We got something to drink and I looked around carefully. Of course, I knew what was going on here. The people who were here, chatting and having a nice evening. They were nothing more than prey, which the predators invited to the festival. The music echoed through the old house, but changed from room to room, as did the lighting. I looked around. Where would a dance with Sunday be best? While I was still brooding, I sipped my glass.

"Sunday, did you ..." I turned to her and found that I was alone. Her green hair was conspicuous, so I could not see them, so I was going to look for her. I finally found her in the lobby. She was standing at the banister with Ivan.

"Sunday!" I shouted and walked over to her.

"Ah, there you are ... I told you that I had to go to Ivan for a moment ... but you were so lost in thought." She looked at me apologetically and I nodded.

"Excuse me ... I wanted to dance with you ... if you like?” Did I say then, and nodded the vampire.

"With pleasure. I'll just accompany Ivan upstairs for a moment, then I'll be there for you. Are you waiting here?” She asked and I nodded, I hardly had any other choice. I watched the two of them, how familiar Sunday put his arm around Ivan and walked up the stairs with him.

"Ohhh ... the sight of it breaks your heart." It came in a malicious tone from Ethan, who had crossed his arms and was standing next to me. “What's the matter, my big one? Sorry that your babysitter has to look after another child, or that you are not in a playgroup with Ivan?” Ethan laughed and I looked at him angrily.

“That's absolutely none of your business… don't you have anything else to do? Dancing, getting fooled, feeding yourself full?” I growled and the vampire looked at me amused.

“Oh, I'm already fed up… and it's not me who was left standing today. But seriously - is that what it looks like? do you have a crush on Sandy? “ He asked me directly in the face and I looked to the side, blushing.

"You know ..." He leaned down to me and was so close that I felt his breath on my cheek. "If you and Sandy need a man in your love game, you are welcome to come to me."

That was enough for me, without thinking too much, I slapped him on the face. And I took great pleasure in seeing his eyes widen in shock. But before I could take out all of my anger and disappointment on Ethan, which had built up inside of me, he started to grin.

“Sapalott. You have a lot of strength in your skinny arms. "

Again, I clenched my hand into a fist, but at that moment I noticed how someone else put a hand on my shoulder and a moment later, I saw Beliath in the corner of my eye.

“Don't you two quarrels. This is a party for you to enjoy yourself at. And a fight is certainly not an evening program that I have planned for our guests. "

He said with a tone in his voice that could not be repeated.

"Tell our Sweetie here, after all, she was just about to give me my laundry.“ Ethan grinned at me. "You know, I'm not that into the audience ..."

With that, he disappeared and if Beliath hadn't put his arm around me and pulled him with him, I would have really attacked Ethan.

"What is he actually imagining?" I growled and took the glass Beliath handed me.

“Don't let yourself be provoked my Beauty. But it doesn't seem to work with Sunday ... where is she? "

"She wanted to accompany Ivan to his room and then come back down." I grumbled and emptied the glass in one gulp. "More ..." I ordered.

"Can you tolerate alcohol at all?" Asked the vampire in surprise and I looked at him annoyed.

“That is what we need to find out today. Are you a good host now, or do you let your guests die of thirst?” I asked annoyed and watched him go off and fetch a tray with several glasses.

"Not all at once, I ..." But no matter what he wanted to say, I took the next glass and drank it right away. I hesitated for a moment to take another glass, but then I put the empty glass on the tray and reached for this one.

"I'll leave ... see you later." I grumbled, left the vampire and made off with my alcohol. I found my retreat in the garden. I sat down on the bench, put the tray next to me and looked at the starry sky.

How catastrophic could a party get? Were the dance and rain just an oversight on Sunday? Did she feel nothing for me? I no longer knew what to think and feel. I was just sure that I had never felt so abandoned. I picked up the next glass and just drank one by one while tears ran down my cheeks. Tears that blurred the make-up that Sunday had chosen for me.

Music and laughter continued from the house as the wind grew cooler outside. Although I was shivering and had the feeling that I was being watched, I remained seated and emptied the last glass.

A sigh escaped me. The evening had become a disaster, and worse, Sunday had left me sitting. I heard the leaves rustle and I jumped up furiously and grabbed one of the empty glasses. Without thinking about it, I threw the glasses one by one into the bushes.

The rustling faded away quickly and the dull noises showed that I had hit the source at least once.


I turned around and saw Vladimir, who eyed me and then looked at the empty tray.

"I 'm sorry ... I ..." I started, but Vladimir shook his head.

“You should go back in and enjoy the party. He's getting cold out here ..." He said and I nodded. When I was about to walk past him, he grabbed my wrist for a moment. Confused, I looked at the vampire, who pulled out a white handkerchief and handed it to me.

" I 'll see you inside." Confused, I watched him go, then understood. My make-up was probably completely smeared, and I removed the last remains with the handkerchief. For a moment I looked at the play of colors in the cloth before I crumpled it up and went inside.

I didn't stay at the party for a long time, I couldn't stand it. The mood, as cheerful as it had initially seemed to me, was so oppressive and cramped that I felt as if I was suffocating. When I got to my room, I threw myself on the bed. The music was still playing, but I turned it off completely. I cried silently into the pillow that I pressed against me and when I felt the door open, I pretended to be asleep.

Whoever entered my room picked up the bedspread and carefully covered me with it. When the door closed again, I fell asleep.

It was a restless sleep and I tossed and turned. When I woke up, I looked around sleepily, but lay down again and went back to sleep. This game went on until the evening. In the hallway, I heard the floorboards creak, hectic voices and occasional rumblings. Until suddenly there was a knock on my door.

“Are you awake my Beautiful? I don't like to take your beauty sleep, which you don't really need, ... but there are problems. "

I recognized Beliath's voice and straightened up.

"Come in." I called and straightened my hair a bit and a moment later, the vampire was standing in my room and looking at me.

“Good evening Beliath. What kind of problems?” I asked curiously and the vampire let out a sigh.

"We found a corpse near the manor house ... "

Chapter End


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