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Damned Living Force



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Damned living force

Authors: LailaChun&Sanjee (always making trouble ^^)

Feedback: Yes please!

Archive: Sure, but please ask first...

Disclaimer: George owns it all! We just used Obi&Co. for creating this story, we don't want to make money.

Spoilers: None

Time Period: Obi is about 14

Summary: Obi: "I really hate my Master's plants!"


Obi-Wan watered the plants carefully. His Master had told him three times which plant needed how much water exactly and Obi-Wan knew what happened if he made a mistake. He sighed for he hated this work, but actually it was better than washing the dishes.

"Stop that, fool! I have had enough!"

Obi-Wan startled and nearly dropped the bucket. He looked around, one hand on his lightsaber, but there was nobody else in the quarters except him.

"Thank my holy roots, he stopped!"

The strange voice again! Obi-Wan made circles and tried to locate from where it had come.

"Who's there? Who's talking?!"

"Now watch the silly little human, jumping around like a hyperactive bee.", the voice said, obviously amused.

"Hey, boy! I want some water, too!", another voice called impatiently.

"Yes, you always demand an extra ration! That's why your leaves are that fat!"

Now two voices. Obi-Wan stumbled back and fell onto the ground. He stared at the plants.

"D-did YOU talk?!"

"Oh my, he realised it? Do you have ears, fool? We've been talking for minutes!"

Obi-Wan rose again, still irritated.

"B-but you CAN'T TALK! You are PLANTS! That's IMPOSSIBLE!"

"Now wait a second!"

The plant sounded very angry.

"You want to forbid us to TALK, No-Rooter?"

"N-no, but you can't talk!"

"Of course we can!", another high voice shouted happily.

It was a little plant with round leaves and glowing red blossoms.

"No! You are plants! You can't talk! Is this some kind of bad joke, Master?", he asked , but did not get an answer.

The other plant gave a loud sigh.

"So this is what the big human means, when he tells you to listen to the LIVING FORCE. Well, it seems it's the first time you made it, for you were so irritated."

"Qui-Gon... talks to you?"

Obi-Wan sat down on a chair.

"I want my water!", the little red flower cried.

"Shut up, baby!", the first plant snapped. "Well, boy, of course we can talk, but we don't always talk. It's like.... well, say, like a tortoise compared to a human."

Obi-Wan rose his eyebrows.

"A tortoise."

"Dear, you are really a helpless case! Yes, a tortoise. Compared to a human, a tortoise is slow. But the speed is enough for her. And it's the same with plants. We don't need to talk as often as humans do, but for us, it is the same. Not everyone understands us. You have to be in connection with us and, earth knows why, but you are!"

"I understand.", Obi-Wan said.

"I want my water!!"

"Shut up! Well, boy, you are very rude. You gave me too much water!"

"D-did I? But I did it as Qui-Gon told me...", Obi-Wan stuttered.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know! But usually, Qui-Gon asks us before he waters us. You don't drink a bottle of water every day, do you? Sometimes you drink more, sometimes you drink less, don't you?"

"Yes, indeed..."

Obi-Wan's head started to hurt. This was so confusing!

"See? Qui-Gon just gave you a nearing number, so that I can't really die!"

"So Qui-Gon asks you first?"

"You are a little bit slow, human boy."

"I want my water!!!", the little plant cried out.


"No, no! No." Obi-Wan rose and walked to the little flower.

"I think she has the right to drink as much as you do.", he snapped to the first plant. "So, little flower..."

"My name is Ini."

"So... Ini. How much?"

"Ehm... I'll say stop, okay?"


Obi-Wan started to water.



Obi-Wan sat down again.

"What a big heart you can have, human!", the first plant mocked.

Obi-Wan crossed his arms.

"I don't like you!"

"And I can't stand you! But I will show you how much a plant can do!"

Obi-Wan stared at the plant for some minutes, then he started to grin.

"I'm scared. Well, I don't want to argue with you!"

"You don't want to argue with WHO?"

Obi-Wan turned.

"Ah, MASTER, good that you are back! Well... you see... your plants are driving me CRAZY!!!"

Qui-Gon crossed his arms and rose his eyebrows.


"Yes!", Obi-Wan moaned. "Especially this one!"

He pointed toward the plant he had talked to during last minutes.

"Marothy?" Qui-Gon rose his eyebrows again. "Don't take her seriously, she is a little bit particular."

"If you let this little fool come near again, Qui-Gon, I will deliberate on whether you are still a friend."

"Hey!", Obi-Wan shouted. "I won't have my being insulted by a PLANT!"

"Well, I am always in connection with the living force.", Marothy snapped back.

"So what? I don't care! Therefore I can WALK!", Obi-Wan grabbed the quarrel.

Qui-Gon clapped.

"It's enough! Please, Marothy, can't you be a little bit more polite? The boy is very young. Give him a chance."

"He nearly drowned me!"

"This would have been a good thing.", Obi-Wan murmured.

Qui-Gon realised that there was no chance to get them both quiet. So he made a difficult decision.

"Do you want to be watered by a wiser one?", he asked.

"The whole temple would do a better job out of it!"

Obi-Wan's eyes narrowed.

"Master, where is my lighter?"

"Obi-Wan.", Qui-Gon said calming.

"Do you want to go to another person, Marothy?"

"Who did you think of?"

"An expert of plants."

"A name."

"Master... Bald.", Qui-Gon said slowly.

"Who the holy root is THIS?"

"A Jedi-Master. On the one hand he is very busy, but on the other hand he is accurate in everything he does. He would never drown you, he would give you enough water. Not too much, not too less.", Qui-Gon said.

"Sounds good."

"I will do the dishes for two weeks, if she stays there!!", Obi-Wan commented.

"Okay, I am going to take you there tomorrow.", Qui-Gon promised. "Come on, Obi-Wan, let's have something to eat."


When they had left the room Qui-Gon looked very relieved.

"What's the matter, Master?", Obi-Wan asked curiously.

Qui-Gon sighed.

"I was worried about never finding the right birthday present for Mace..."




Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (8)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  SalaiLauwen
2010-05-05T16:11:15+00:00 05.05.2010 18:11
sehr klasse xD
Irgendwie passt es auch zu beiden Charakteren so gut :)
Bei Qui-Gon könnte ich mir das echt vorstellen, dass der so was macht xD
Von:  O-Neill
2006-05-17T18:31:36+00:00 17.05.2006 20:31
Really great.
I want to see the face of Obi-Wan...
Von: abgemeldet
2006-03-25T18:46:54+00:00 25.03.2006 19:46
mauahahhahahahahha this is so silly-good you just can't stop laughing *G* thumbs up *G*
Von:  Date_Masamune
2005-05-28T16:32:41+00:00 28.05.2005 18:32
*lol* that was a great story, nice idea, really xD
Von: abgemeldet
2004-08-17T11:49:27+00:00 17.08.2004 13:49
*lol* While reading, I had to laugh the whole time.
Really very exciting to read Obi-Wan arguing with a plant.
Nice idea! XD
Write more of this stuff!
Von:  watashtashi
2003-04-02T07:16:41+00:00 02.04.2003 09:16
Obiwan is really cute!
This fic is so coooool.
Imperial greetings
Von: abgemeldet
2002-07-11T20:34:45+00:00 11.07.2002 22:34
fuckin great stuff
Von:  Lail
2002-05-05T15:27:09+00:00 05.05.2002 17:27
thanks ^^
Von: abgemeldet
2002-05-04T20:16:03+00:00 04.05.2002 22:16
*loooooooooooool* Das ist nur noch gut.
